Unconscious Bias: How to Recognize and Interrupt It
Please join Women in Computer Science for this free, virtual event with Kathleen Nalty, an expert in strategies to create cultures of inclusion to retain and advance diverse talent.

Please join Women in Computer Science for this free, virtual event with Kathleen Nalty, an expert in strategies to create cultures of inclusion to retain and advance diverse talent.
Milind Tambe
Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science
Director of the Center for Research in Computation and Society, Harvard University
Director, AI for Social Good, Google Research India
Come see six groups of fourth-year CS and SE students who took CS 497: Computing and Discrimination — a unique course offered for the first time this Winter by Computer Science Professors Dan Brown and Maura R. Grossman — as they showcase their final projects.
Learn more about this course from its instructors.
Kai Li
Paul M. Wythes '55, P'86 and Marcia R. Wythes P'86 Professor
Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
Tony Chan
President, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
Professor, Applied Mathematics and Computational Science
In its modern incarnation, computational mathematics is a discipline that blossomed only after WWII. But even in its relatively brief history, there have been some major shifts in its methodology, emphasis, and applications.
Kin Huat Low, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Unmanned aerial vehicles (or known as drones) are becoming popular for servicing, inspection, surveillance, and commercial activities in recent years. Such activities, however, are hindered by some challenges that are inherent in urban flight operations.
The University of Waterloo’s Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience supports the development of robust explanatory theories of mind and brain through education and research.
Sponsored by the Faculty of Mathematics Data Science Graduate Programs, please join Cheriton School of Computer Science expert in artificial intelligence, Professor Pascal Poupart, for a public talk in which he will describe the key technological advances in recent years that were behind AlphaGo and ChatGPT and ultimately facilitated these breakthroughs.
In recent years, we have seen the following —
The Waterloo Computer Museum is hosting a hardware day at which a number of older computers will be on display and running.
Alex Zhang, GFW Report