number of years active: 28
- Jessica Percy Cambpell, Jacob Buchan, Charlene H. Chu, Andrea Bianchi, Jesse Hoey and Shehroz Khan User Perception of Smart Home Surveillance: An Integrative Review. Surveillance and Society, 22, 3, September, 2024 (bibtex)
- Jessica Percy Cambpell, Jacob Buchan, Charlene H. Chu, Andrea Bianchi, Jesse Hoey and Shehroz Khan User Perception of Smart Home Surveillance Among Adults Aged 50 and Older: A Scoping Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 12, 2024 (bibtex)
- Robert Freeland, Lynn Smith-Lovin, Kimberly B. Rogers, Jesse Hoey and Joseph M Quinn Perceived Occupational Gender Composition: A Census and Exploration. Advances in Group Processes, 41, 2024 (bibtex)
- Marvin Pafla, Mark Hancock, Kate Larson and Jesse Hoey The Need for a Common Ground: Ontological Guidelines for a Mutual Human-AI Theory of Mind. Workshop on Theory of Mind in Human-AI Interaction at CHI 2024, Hawaii, USA, 2024 (bibtex)
- Blake VanBerlo, Alexander Wong, Jesse Hoey and Robert Arntfield Intra-video positive pairs in self-supervised learning for ultrasound. Fronteirs in Imaging, 3, 2024 (bibtex)
- Blake VanBerlo, Jesse Hoey and Alexander Wong A survey of the impact of self-supervised pretraining for diagnostic tasks in medical X-ray, CT, MRI, and ultrasound.. BMC Medical Imaging, 24, 79, 2024 (bibtex)
- Kyle Tilbury, Bailey Kacsmar and Jesse Hoey Towards Safety in Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning through Security and Privacy by Design. RLC Workshop CoCoMARL , 2024 (bibtex)
- Joshua D.A. Jung and Jesse Hoey Heuristic Knowledge Transfer for General Game Playing. IEEE Conference on Games, Milan, Italy, 2024 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey Free Energy is Nothing. SocArXiv, 2024 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2024: 9
- Steven Lawrence, Negin Azizi, Kevin Fan, Melanie Jouaiti, Jesse Hoey, Chrystopher L Nehaniv and Kerstin Dautenhahn The Impact of Social Norm Violations on Participants’ Perception of and Trust in a Robot during a Competitive Game Scenario. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Busan, 2023 (bibtex)
- Blake VanBerlo, Brian Li, Jesse Hoey and Alexander Wong Self-Supervised Pretraining Improves Performance and Inference Efficiency in Multiple Lung Ultrasound Interpretation Tasks. IEEE Access, 2023 (bibtex)
- Blake VanBerlo, Brian Li, Alexander Wong, Jesse Hoey and Robert Arntfield Exploring the Utility of Self-Supervised Pretraining Strategies for the Detection of Absent Lung Sliding in M-Mode Lung Ultrasound. arXiv, 2023 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey Sentiments and Bias in Automated Decision Making. ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Ottawa, Ont, 2023 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2023: 4
- Jill A. Dosso, Ela Bandari, Aarti Malhotra, Gabriella K Guerra, Jesse Hoey, Francois Michaud, Tony J Prescott and Julie M Robillard User perspectives on emotionally aligned social robots for older adults and persons living with dementia. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 2022 (bibtex)
- Shehroz Khan, Jessica Campbell, Jacob Buchan, Andrea Bianchi, Jesse Hoey and Charlene H. Chu Community-Dwelling Older Adults’ Perceptions of Smart Home Surveillance: An Integrative Review. Innovation in Aging (Proceedings of the Gerontological Society of America GSA Annual Scientific Meeting), 6, 1, Indianapolis, IN, November, 2022 (bibtex)
- Joseph M Quinn, Robert Freeland, Kimberly B. Rogers, Jesse Hoey and Lynn Smith-Lovin How Cultural Meanings of Occupations in the U.S. Changed During the Covid-19 Pandemic. American Behavioral Scientist, 2022 (bibtex)
- Moojan Ghafurian, John Munoz, Jennifer N. Boger, Jesse Hoey and Kerstin Dautenhahn Socially Interactive Agents for Supporting Aging. Handbook on Socially Interactive Agents, 2, 23, 2022 (bibtex)
- Moojan Ghafurian, Linda E. Francis, Zhuofu Tao, Mary Step and Jesse Hoey VIPCare: Understanding the support needed to create affective interactions between new caregivers and residents with dementia. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 9, 2022 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Gabrielle Chan, Mathieu Doucet, Christopher Risi and Freya Zhang The Use of Non-epistemic Values to Account for Bias in Automated Decision Making. NeurIPS ML Safety Workshop, 2022 (bibtex)
- Kyle Tilbury and Jesse Hoey Identity and Dynamic Teams in Social Dilemmas. arXiv, 2022 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and Gabrielle Chan A Novel Approach to Fairness in Automated Decision-Making using Affective Normalization. arXiv, 2022 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and Tobias Schroeder Disruption of Social Orders in Societal Transitions as Affective Control of Uncertainty. American Behavioral Scientist, 2022 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey A Social Uncertainty Principle with Application to Principal Agent Problems. SocArXiv, 2022 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey The Reality Constructed by the Awareness of Society. SocArXiv, 2022 (bibtex)
- Zahra Sheihkbahaee, Adam Safron, Veronica Jiang, Adam Safron, Tobias Schroeder, Adam Safron, Nick Hay, Jeff Orchard and Jesse Hoey Dream of Being: Solving AI Alignment Problems with Active Inference Models of Agency and Socioemotional Value Learning. PsyArXiv, 2022 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2022: 12
- Jerry Huang, Joshua D.A. Jung, Neil Budnarain, Benn McGregor and Jesse Hoey Trust-ya: design of a multiplayer game for the study of small group processes. IEEE Conference on Games, Copenhagen, 2021 (bibtex)
- Gertjan Hofstede, Christopher Frantz, Jesse Hoey, Geeske Scholz and Tobias Schroeder Artificial Sociality Manifesto. Review of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2021 (bibtex)
- Quentin Roy, Moojan Ghafurian, Wei Li and Jesse Hoey Users, Tasks, and Conversational Agents: A Personality Study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, 2021 (bibtex)
- Moojan Ghafurian, Neil Budnarain and Jesse Hoey Improving Humanness of Virtual Agents and Users Cooperation through Emotions. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2021 (bibtex)
- Moojan Ghafurian, Jesse Hoey and Kerstin Dautenhahn Social Robots for the Care of Persons with Dementia: A Systematic Review. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 10, 4, Dec, 2021 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Neil J. MacKinnon and Tobias Schroeder Denotative and connotative management of uncertainty: A computational dual-process model. Judgment and Decision Making, 16, 2, March, 2021 (code) (bibtex)
- Luke Stark and Jesse Hoey The Ethics of Emotion in Artificial Intelligence Systems. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT), virtual, 2021 (bibtex)
- Neil J. MacKinnon and Jesse Hoey Operationalizing the Relation Between Affect and Cognition With the Somatic Transform. Emotion Review, 2021 (code) (bibtex)
- Joshua D.A. Jung and Jesse Hoey Distance-Based Mapping for General Game Playing. IEEE Conference on Games, Copenhagen, 2021 (bibtex)
- Aarti Malhotra and Jesse Hoey Emotions in Socio-cultural Interactive AI Agents. Proc.of the Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 2021 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey Citizens, Madmen and Children: Equality, Uncertainty, Freedom and the Definition of State. SocArXiv, 2021 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey Freedom and Equality as Uncertainty in Groups. Entropy, 23, 1384, 2021 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2021: 12
- Moojan Ghafurian, Jesse Hoey, Daniel Tchorni, Annika Ang, Mallorie Tam and Julie M Robillard Emotional Alignment Between Older Adults and Online Personalities: Implications for Assistive Technologies. Proc. International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Atlanta, GA, 2020 (bibtex)
- Wenkai Li, Veronica Jiang, Steven Y. Feng, Julia Sprague, Wei Zhou and Jesse Hoey ALOHA: Artificial Learning of Human Attributes for Dialogue Agents. Proc. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, New York, 2020 (supplementary material) (bibtex)
- Nabiha Asghar, Ivan Kobyzev, Jesse Hoey, Pascal Poupart and Muhammad B. Sheikh Generating Emotionally Aligned Responses in Dialogues using Affect Control Theory. arXiv, 2020 (bibtex)
- Linda E. Francis, Kathryn J. Lively, Alexandra Konig and Jesse Hoey The Affective Self: Perseverance of Self-Sentiments in Late-Life Dementia. Social Psychology Quarterly, 2020 (bibtex)
- Aarti Malhotra, Terrence C. Stewart and Jesse Hoey A Biologically-Inspired Neural Implementation of Affect Control Theory. International Conference on Cognitive Modelling , 2020 (bibtex)
- Kyle Tilbury and Jesse Hoey Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and Human Social Factors in Climate Change Mitigation. AAAI Spring Symposium on Challenges and Opportunities for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (COMARL), Stanford, CA, 2020 (bibtex)
- Kyle Tilbury and Jesse Hoey The Human Effect Requires Affect: Addressing Social-Psychological Factors of Climate Change with Machine Learning. Proc. NeurIPS workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning, 2020 (bibtex)
- Luke Stark and Jesse Hoey The Ethics of Emotion in AI Systems. SocArXiv, 2020 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey Structure is Management of Uncertainty in Groups. SocArXiv, 2020 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2020: 9
- Jonathan H. Morgan, Jun Zhao, Andrea Sedlacek, Lena Chen, Hayley Piper, Yliana Beck, Kimberly B. Rogers, Jesse Hoey and Tobias Schroeder Modeling the Culture of Online Collaborative Groups with Affect Control Theory. Social Simulation Conference, Mainz, Germany, September, 2019 (bibtex)
- Arlene Astell, Nicole Bouranis, Jesse Hoey, Alison Lindauer, Alex Mihailidis, Chris D. Nugent and Julie M Robillard Technology and Dementia: The Future is Now. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 47, 3, 2019 (bibtex)
- Wenkai Li, Veronica Jiang, Steven Y. Feng, Julia Sprague, Wei Zhou and Jesse Hoey Follow Alice into the Rabbit Hole: Giving Dialogue Agents Understanding of Human Level Attributes. arXiv, 2019 (bibtex)
- Neda Paryab, Alexander Sachs, Andrew Li, Meiyappan Nagappan and Jesse Hoey Relating Values and Social Network Structure. International Conference on Computational Social Science, Amsterdam, 2019 (bibtex)
- Rahul N Iyer, S. Alex Yun, Meiyappan Nagappan and Jesse Hoey Effects of Personality Traits on Pull Request Acceptance. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019 (bibtex)
- Linda E. Francis, Richard E. Adams, Alexandra Konig and Jesse Hoey Identity and the Self in Elderly Adults with Alzheimer's Disease. Identities in Everyday Life, 2019 (bibtex)
- Steven Y. Feng, Wenkai Li and Jesse Hoey Keep Calm and Switch On! Preserving Sentiment and Fluency in Semantic Text Exchange. Proceedings of Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)), Hong Kong, 2019 (bibtex)
- Moojan Ghafurian, Neil Budnarain and Jesse Hoey Role of Emotions in Perception of Humanness of Virtual Agents. Proc. International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Montreal, 2019 (extended abstract) (bibtex)
- Moojan Ghafurian, Neil Budnarain and Jesse Hoey Improving Humanness of Virtual Agents and Users' Cooperation through Emotions. arXiv, 1903.03980, 2019 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Zahra Sheihkbahaee and Neil J. MacKinnon Deliberative and Affective Reasoning: a Bayesian Dual-Process Model. Proc.of the Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Cambridge, England, 2019 (bibtex)
- Luke Stark and Jesse Hoey The Ethics of Emotion in AI Systems (older edition). Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, Brisbane, Australia, 2019 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and Neil J. MacKinnon 'Conservatives Overfit, Liberals Underfit': The Social-Psychological Control of Affect and Uncertainty. arXiv, 2019 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2019: 12
- Stefan Teipel, Alexandra Konig, Jesse Hoey, Jeffrey Kaye, Frank Kruger, Julie M Robillard, Thomas Kirste and Claudio Babiloni Use of nonintrusive sensor‐based information and communication technology for real‐world evidence for clinical trials in dementia. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 14, 9, September, 2018 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schroeder, Jonathan H. Morgan, Kimberly B. Rogers, Deepak Rishi and Meiyappan Nagappan Artificial Intelligence and Social Simulation: Studying Group Dynamics on a Massive Scale. Small Group Research, 49, 6, December, 2018 (bibtex)
- Mina Nouredanesh, Wenkai Li, Alan Godfrey, Jesse Hoey and James Tung Chasing feet in the wild: A proposed egocentric motion-aware gait assessment tool. Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics, Munich, Germany, 2018 (bibtex)
- Deepak Rishi, Jesse Hoey, Meiyappan Nagappan, Kimberly B. Rogers and Tobias Schroeder Emotion and Interaction Processes in a Collaborative Online Network. International Conference on Computational Social Science, Chicago,IL, 2018 (poster) (bibtex)
- Nabiha Asghar, Pascal Poupart, Jesse Hoey, Xin Jiang and Lili Mou Affective Neural Response Generation. European Conference on Information Retrieval, Grenoble, France, March, 2018 (bibtex)
- Jennifer N. Boger, Victoria Young, Jesse Hoey, Tizneem Jiancaro and Alex Mihailidis Zero-Effort Technologies: Considerations, Challenges, and Use in Health, Wellness, and Rehabilitation, Second Edition. Synthesis Lectures on Assistive, Rehabilitative, and Health-Preserving Technologies, 2018 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schroeder, Jonathan H. Morgan, Kimberly B. Rogers and Meiyappan Nagappan Affective Dynamics and Control in Group Processes. Proceedings of ICMI workshop on Group Interaction Frontiers in Technology, Denver, CO, 2018 (ACM DL link) (bibtex)
- Julie M Robillard, Ian Cleland, Jesse Hoey and Chris D. Nugent Ethical adoption: A new imperative in the development of technology for dementia. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 14, 9, September, 2018 (bibtex)
- Kimberly B. Rogers, Tobias Schroeder, Jesse Hoey and Meiyappan Nagappan ISA World Congress of Sociology. Toronto, Canada, 2018 (bibtex)
- Alexandra Konig, Linda E. Francis and Jesse Hoey Emotionally Adaptive Technologies for People with Dementia. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 14, 7, Chicago, IL, July, 2018 (bibtex)
- Moojan Ghafurian and Jesse Hoey Improving Engagement Through Emotional Alignment. HCIXDementia Workshop at CHI, Montreal, 2018 (bibtex)
- Robert Freeland and Jesse Hoey The Structure of Deference: Modeling Occupational Status Using Affect Control Theory. American Sociological Review, 83, 2, April, 2018 (Supplementary Material) (bibtex)
- Julie M Robillard and Jesse Hoey Emotion and Motivation in Cognitive Assistive Technologies for Dementia. Computer, 51, 3, March, 2018 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2018: 13
- Julie M Robillard, Wenkai Li, Shilpa Jacob, Dan Wang, Xin Zou and Jesse Hoey Co-Creating Emotionally Aligned Smart Homes Using Social Psychological Modeling. Proc. 4th international Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Interaction (iWOAR), Rostock, Germany, 2017 (bibtex)
- Jyoti Joshi, Alexandra Konig, Zhengkun Shang, Julie M Robillard, Linda E. Francis and Jesse Hoey Affectively Aligned Assistive Technology for Persons with Dementia. Society for Affective Science : Affective Computing Pre-Conferece, Boston, MA, 2017 (bibtex)
- Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke, Shreya Ghosh, Jyoti Joshi, Jesse Hoey and Tom Gedeon From Individual to Group-Level Emotion Recognition: EmotiW 5.0. Proc. International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (EmotiW Workshop), Glasgow, Scotland, 2017 (bibtex)
- Alexandra Konig, Linda E. Francis, Jyoti Joshi, Julie M Robillard and Jesse Hoey Qualitative study of affective identities in dementia patients for the design of cognitive assistive technologies. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 2017 (bibtex)
- Julie M Robillard, Areej Alhothali, Sunjay Varma and Jesse Hoey Intelligent and Affectively Aligned Evaluation of Online Health Information for Older Adults. AAAI Workshop on Health Intelligence, San Francisco, CA, 2017 (bibtex)
- Shehroz Khan, Michelle E. Karg, Dana Kulic and Jesse Hoey Detecting Falls with X-Factor Hidden Markov Models. Applied Soft Computing, 2017 (bibtex)
- David Choi, Robert Freeland and Jesse Hoey Occupational Social Status Modeling with Affect Control Theory. International Conference on Computational Social Science, Cologne, Germany, 2017 (bibtex)
- Zhengkun Shang, Jyoti Joshi and Jesse Hoey Continuous Facial Expression Recognition for Affective Interaction with Virtual Avatar. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Beijing, China, 2017 (bibtex)
- Wasif Khan and Jesse Hoey How Different Identities Affect Cooperation. Proc.of the Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, San Antonio, TX, 2017 (bibtex)
- Dan Wang and Jesse Hoey Hierarchical Task Recognition and Planning in Smart Homes with Partial Observability. Proc. 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence , Philadelphia, PA, 2017 (bibtex)
- Joshua D.A. Jung and Jesse Hoey Socio-Affective Agents as Models of Human Behaviour in the Networked Prisoner's Dilemma. arXiv, 1701.09112, 2017 (bibtex)
- Joshua D.A. Jung and Jesse Hoey Computational Affective Model of Human Action in a Social Dilemma. International Conference on Computational Social Science, Cologne, Germany, 2017 (bibtex)
- Areej Alhothali and Jesse Hoey Semi-Supervised Affective Meaning Lexicon Expansion Using Semantic and Distributed Word Representations. arXiv, arXiv:1703.09825, March, 2017 (bibtex)
- Shehroz Khan and Jesse Hoey Review of fall detection techniques: A data availability perspective. Medical Engineering and Physics, 39, 2017 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2017: 14
- Stefan Teipel, Claudio Babiloni, Jesse Hoey, Jeffrey Kaye, Thomas Kirste and Oliver Burmeister Information and communication technology solutions for outdoor navigation in dementia. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 12, 6, June, 2016 (bibtex)
- Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke, Jyoti Joshi, Jesse Hoey and Tom Gedeon EmotiW 2016: Video and Group-Level Emotion Recognition Challenges. Proc. International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (EmotiW Workshop), Tokyo, Japan, 2016 (bibtex)
- Joshua D.A. Jung, Jesse Hoey, Jonathan H. Morgan, Tobias Schroeder and Ingo Wolf Grounding Social Interaction with Affective Intelligence. Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on AI, Victoria, BC, 2016 (bibtex)
- Alexandra Konig, Linda E. Francis, Aarti Malhotra and Jesse Hoey Defining affective Identities in elderly Nursing Home residents for the design of an emotionally intelligent cognitive assistant. Proc. International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Cancun, Mexico, 2016 (bibtex)
- Alexandra Konig, Aarti Malhotra, Jesse Hoey and Linda E. Francis Designing personalized prompts for a virtual assistant to support elderly care home residents. Proc. International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Cancun, Mexico, 2016 (bibtex)
- Aarti Malhotra, Jesse Hoey, Alexandra Konig and Sarel van Vuuren A study of elderly people's emotional understanding of prompts given by Virtual Humans. Proc. International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Cancun, Mexico, 2016 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schroeder and Areej Alhothali Affect control processes: Intelligent affective interaction using a partially observable Markov decision process. Artificial Intelligence, 230, 2016 (bibtex)
- Tobias Schroeder, Jesse Hoey and Kimberly B. Rogers Modeling Dynamic Identities and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory. American Sociological Review, 81, 4, 2016 (Appendix) (bibtex)
- Abhinav Dhall and Jesse Hoey First Impressions-Predicting User Personality from Twitter Profile Images. 7th International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding, Amsterdam, NL, 2016 (bibtex)
- Shehroz Khan and Jesse Hoey dtFall - Decision-Theoretic Framework to Report Unseen Falls. Proc. International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Cancun, Mexico, 2016 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2016: 10
- Sarah Mennicken, Amy Hwang, Rayoung Yang, Jesse Hoey, Alex Mihailidis and Elaine M. Huang Smart for Life: Designing Smart Home Technologies that Evolve with Users. Proceedings of CHI, Seoul, South Korea, 2015 (bibtex)
- Joshua D.A. Jung, Jesse Hoey, Jonathan H. Morgan, Tobias Schroeder and Ingo Wolf Comparison of Affect-Control Theoretic Agents and Humans in the Prisoner's Dilemma. University of Waterloo School of Computer Science Technical Report, TR-2015-18, November, 2015 (bibtex)
- Marek Grzes, Pascal Poupart, Jesse Hoey and Xiao Yang Energy Efficient Execution of POMDP Policies. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 45, 11, Nov, 2015 (bibtex)
- Aarti Malhotra, Lifei Yu, Tobias Schroeder and Jesse Hoey An exploratory study into the use of an emotionally aware cognitive assistant. Proc. AAAI Workshop on artificial intelligence applied to assistive technologies and smart environments, Austin, TX, 2015 (bibtex)
- Tobias Schroeder, Jesse Hoey and Kimberly B. Rogers Modeling Dynamic Identities and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory. International Conference on Computational Social Science, Helsinki, Finland, 2015 (bibtex)
- Nabiha Asghar and Jesse Hoey Intelligent Affect: Rational Decision Making for Socially Aligned Agents. Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, 2015 (bibtex)
- Areej Alhothali and Jesse Hoey Good News or Bad News: Using Affect Control Theory to Analyze Readers Reaction Towards News Articles. Proc. Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Human Language Technologies (NAACL HLT), Denver, CO, 2015 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and Tobias Schroeder Bayesian Affect Control Theory of Self (poster). Proc. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Austin, TX, 2015 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and Tobias Schroeder Bayesian Affect Control Theory of Self. Proc. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Austin, Texas, 2015 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2015: 9
- Marek Grzes, Jesse Hoey, Shehroz Khan, Alex Mihailidis, Stephen Czarnuch, Dan Jackson and Andrew Monk Relational Approach to Knowledge Engineering for POMDP-based Assistance Systems as a Translation of a Psychological Model. Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55, 1 part 1, January, 2014 (bibtex)
- Luyuan Lin, Stephen Czarnuch, Aarti Malhotra, Lifei Yu, Tobias Schroeder and Jesse Hoey Affectively Aligned Cognitive Assistance using Bayesian Affect Control Theory. Proc. of International Workconference on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL), Belfast, UK, 2014 (bibtex)
- Aarti Malhotra, Lifei Yu, Tobias Schroeder and Jesse Hoey An exploratory study into the use of an emotionally aware cognitive assistant. University of Waterloo School of Computer Science Technical Report, CS-2014-15, August, 2014 (bibtex)
- Michelle E. Karg, Gentiane Venture, Jesse Hoey and Dana Kulic Human Movement Analysis as a Measure for Fatigue: A Hidden Markov-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 22, 3, May, 2014 (bibtex)
- Shehroz Khan, Michelle E. Karg, Dana Kulic and Jesse Hoey X-Factor HMMs for detecting falls in the absence of fall-specific training data. Proc. of International Workconference on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL), Belfast, UK, 2014 (bibtex)
- Christian Peters, Thomas Hermann, Sven Wachsmuth and Jesse Hoey Automatic Task Assistance for People with Cognitive Disabilities in Brushing Teeth - A User Study with the TEBRA System. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 5, 4, March, 2014 (bibtex)
- George Zhu, Daniel Lizotte and Jesse Hoey Scalable Approximate Policies for Markov Decision Process Models of Hospital Elective Admissions. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 61, 1, May, 2014 (bibtex)
- Tobias Schroeder, Jesse Hoey and Kimberly B. Rogers Modeling Dynamic Identities and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory. Computational Social Science Winter Symposium, Cologne, Germany, 2014 (bibtex)
- Stephen McKenna, Jesse Hoey and Emanuele Trucco Objects, Actions, Places. International Journal of Computer Vision, 106, 3, February, 2014 (bibtex)
- Nabiha Asghar and Jesse Hoey Monte-Carlo Planning for Socially Aligned Agents using Bayesian Affect Control Theory. University of Waterloo School of Computer Science Technical Report, CS-2014-21, December, 2014 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2014: 10
- Michelle E. Karg, Ali-Akbar Samadani, Rob Gorbet, Kolja Kuhnlenz , Jesse Hoey and Dana Kulic Body Movements for Affective Expression: A Survey of Automatic Recognition and Generation. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 4, 4, Oct-Dec, 2013 (bibtex)
- James Tung, Heather Snyder, Jesse Hoey, Alex Mihailidis, Maria Carrillo and Jesus Favela Everyday Patient-Care Technologies for Alzheimer's Disease. Pervasive Computing, 12, 4, Oct-Dec, 2013 (bibtex)
- Michelle E. Karg, Wolfgang Seiberl, Jesse Hoey and Dana Kulic Human Movement Analysis: Extension of the F-Statistic to Time Series using HMM. Proc. International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Manchester, 2013 (bibtex)
- Amy Hwang, Michael Liu, Jesse Hoey and Alex Mihailidis DIY Smart Home: Narrowing the Gap Between Users and Technology. Proc. of the IUI Workshop on Interactive Machine Learning, Santa Monica, CA, 2013 (bibtex)
- Hadi Hosseini, Jesse Hoey and Robin Cohen A Coordinated MDP Approach to Multi-Agent Planning for Resource Allocation, with Applications to Healthcare. Eighth Annual Workshop on Multiagent Sequential Decision-Making Under Uncertainty (MSDM), St. Paul, MN, 2013 (bibtex)
- Marek Grzes, Pascal Poupart and Jesse Hoey Isomorph-free Branch and Bound Search for Finite State Controllers. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Beijing, China, 2013 (bibtex)
- Marek Grzes, Pascal Poupart and Jesse Hoey Controller Compilation and Compression for Resource Constrained Applications. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, LNAI 8176, Brussels, Belgium , 2013 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schroeder and Areej Alhothali Affect Control Processes: Probabilistic and Decision Theoretic Affective Control in Human-Computer Interaction. University of Waterloo School of Computer Science Technical Report, CS-2013-03, 2013 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schroeder and Areej Alhothali Bayesian Affect Control Theory. Proc.of the Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Geneva, Switzerland, 2013 (bibtex)
- Marek Grzes and Jesse Hoey On the Convergence of Techniques that Improve Value Iteration. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Dallas, TX, 2013 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2013: 10
- Alan F. Newell, Alex Carmichael, Peter Gregor, Norman Alm, Annalu Waller, Vicki L. Hanson, Jesse Hoey and Graham Pullin Information Technology for Communication and Cognitive Support. Human-Computer Interaction Handbook, 2012 (bibtex)
- Michael Melonis, Alex Mihailidis, Ryan Keyfitz, Marek Grzes, Jesse Hoey and Cathy Bodine EMPOWERING ADULTS WITH A COGNITIVE DISABILITY THROUGH INCLUSION OF NON-LINEAR CONTEXT AWARE PROMPTING TECHNOLOGY (N-CAPS). RESNA Annual Conference, 2012 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Craig Boutilier, Pascal Poupart, Patrick Olivier, Andrew Monk and Alex Mihailidis People, sensors, decisions: Customizable and adaptive technologies for assistance in healthcare. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 2, 4, New York, NY, December, 2012 (bibtex)
- Liming Chen, Jesse Hoey, Chris D. Nugent, Diane Cook and Zhiwen Yu Sensor-Based Activity Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part C: Applications and Reviews, 42, 6, 2012 (bibtex)
- Valerie Leuty, Jennifer N. Boger, Laurel Young, Jesse Hoey and Alex Mihailidis Engaging Older Adults with Dementia in Creative Occupations Using Artificially Intelligent Assistive Technology. Assistive Technology, 25, 2, 2012 (bibtex)
- Alex Mihailidis, Jennifer N. Boger, Stephen Czarnuch, Tizneem Nagdee and Jesse Hoey Ambient Assisted Living Technology to Support Older Adults with Dementia with Activities of Daily Living: Key Concepts and the State of the Art. Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living, 2012 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Xiao Yang, Marek Grzes, Rene Navarro and Jesus Favela Modeling and Learning for LaCasa, the Location And Context-Aware Safety Assistant. NIPS 2012 Workshop on Machine Learning Approaches to Mobile Context Awareness , Lake Tahoe, NV, 2012 (bibtex)
- Marcela Rodriguez, Rene Navarro, Jesus Favela and Jesse Hoey An Ontological Representation Model to Tailor Ambient Assisted Interventions for Wandering. AAAI Fall Symposium on AI for Gerontechnology, Arlington, VA, 2012 (bibtex)
- Shehroz Khan, Michelle E. Karg, Jesse Hoey and Dana Kulic Towards the detection of unusual temporal events during activities using HMMs. Proceedings of Ubicomp 2012 (Situation, Activity and Goal Awareness Workshop), Pittsburgh, PA, 2012 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Xiao Yang, Eduardo Quintana and Jesus Favela LaCasa: Location And Context-Aware Safety Assistant. Proc. International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, San Diego, May, 2012 (bibtex)
- Dmitry Pyryeskin, Mark Hancock and Jesse Hoey Comparing elicited gestures to designer-created gestures for selection above a multitouch surface. ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS), Boston, MA, 2012 (bibtex)
- Shehroz Khan, Jesse Hoey and Daniel Lizotte Bayesian Multiple Imputation Approaches for One-Class Classification. Proceedings of the 25th Canadian Conference on AI, 7310, Toronto, Canada, 2012 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Xiao Yang and Jesus Favela Decision theoretic, context aware safetyassistance for persons who wander. International Workshop on Ubiquitous Health and Wellness, Newcastle, UK, 2012 (bibtex)
- Amy Hwang and Jesse Hoey Smart Home, The Next Generation: Closing the Gap between Users and Technology. AAAI Fall Symposium on AI for Gerontechnology, Washington, DC, 2012 (bibtex)
- Marek Grzes and Jesse Hoey Analysis of Methods for solving MDPs (extended abstract). Proc. International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Valencia, Spain, 2012 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey God exists with probability 1/(H+1). unpublished note, 2012 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2012: 16
- Jesse Hoey, Thomas Ploetz, Dan Jackson, Patrick Olivier, Andrew Monk and Cuong Pham Rapid Specification and Automated Generation of Prompting Systems to Assist People with Dementia. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 7, 3, June, 2011 (bibtex)
- Marek Grzes, Jesse Hoey, Shehroz Khan, Alex Mihailidis, Stephen Czarnuch, Dan Jackson and Andrew Monk Relational Approach to Knowledge Engineering for POMDP-based Assistance Systems with Encoding of a Psychological Model. Proc. ICAPS workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling, Freiburg, Germany, 2011 (bibtex)
- Richard Hu, Adam Hartfiel, James Tung, Adel Fakih, Jesse Hoey and Pascal Poupart 3D Pose Tracking of Walker Users' Lower Limb with a Structured-Light Camera on a Moving Platform. Proc. International Workshop on Human Activity Understanding from 3D Data (HAU3D), Colorado Springs, CO, 2011 (bibtex)
- Rajibul Huq, Patricia Kan, Robby Goetschalckx, Debbie Hebert, Jesse Hoey and Alex Mihailidis A Decision-Theoretic Approach in the Design of an Adaptive Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation Robot. Proc. of International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Zurich, Switzerland, 2011 (bibtex)
- Valerie Leuty, Jennifer N. Boger, Jesse Hoey, Laurel Young and Alex Mihailidis Engaging older adults with dementia in creative occupations using technology. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, Saskatoon, Canada. , 2011 (bibtex)
- Patricia Kan, Rajibul Huq, Jesse Hoey, Robby Goetschalckx and Alex Mihailidis The development of an adaptive upper-limb stroke rehabilitation robotic system. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 8, 33, 2011 (bibtex)
- Liming Chen, Chris D. Nugent, Jit Biswas and Jesse Hoey (eds.) Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments. Activity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments, 2011 (bibtex)
- Alex Mihailidis, Jennifer N. Boger, Jesse Hoey and Tizneem Jiancaro Zero Effort Technologies: Considerations, Challenges, and Use in Health, Wellness, and Rehabilitation. Synthesis Lectures on Assistive, Rehabilitative, and Health-Preserving Technologies, 2011 (bibtex)
- Hadi Hosseini, Jesse Hoey and Robin Cohen Multi-Agent Patient Scheduling Through Auctioned Decentralized MDPs. Proceedings of the 6th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health Informatics (DM-HI 2011), Charlotte, USA, 2011 (bibtex)
- Dmitry Pyryeskin, Mark Hancock and Jesse Hoey Extending Interactions into Hoverspace Using Reflected Light. ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS), Kobe, Japan, 2011 (bibtex)
- Veronika Koltunova, Jesse Hoey and Marek Grzes Goal-oriented sensor selection for intelligent phones: (GOSSIP). Proceedings of the 2011 international workshop on situation activity and goal awareness, Beijing, China, 2011 (bibtex)
- Robby Goetschalckx, Pascal Poupart and Jesse Hoey Continuous Correlated Beta Processes. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, 2011 (bibtex)
- Enrique Sucar, Eduardo Morales and Jesse Hoey (eds.) Decision Theory Models for Applications in Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Solutions. Decision Theory Models for Applications in Artificial Intelligence, 2011 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Stephen McKenna and Emanuele Trucco (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd British Machine Vision Conference. , Dundee, 2011 (bibtex)
- Marek Grzes and Jesse Hoey Efficient Planning in RMAX. Proc. International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and Marek Grzes Distributed Control of Situated Assistance in Large Domains with Many Tasks. Proc. International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, Freiberg, Germany, 2011 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2011: 16
- Alex Mihailidis, Scott Blunsden, Jennifer N. Boger, Brandi Richards, Krists Zutis, Laurel Young and Jesse Hoey Towards the Development of a Technology for Art Therapy and Dementia: Definition of Needs and Design Constraints. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 37, 4, 2010 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Thomas Ploetz, Dan Jackson, Andrew Monk, Cuong Pham and Patrick Olivier SNAP: SyNdetic Assistance Processes. NIPS 2010 Workshop on Machine Learning for Assistive Technologies, Whistler, BC, 2010 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Pascal Poupart, Axel von Bertoldi, Tammy Craig, Craig Boutilier and Alex Mihailidis Automated Handwashing Assistance For Persons With Dementia Using Video and a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process. Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 114, 5, May, 2010 (bibtex)
- Jennifer N. Boger, Jesse Hoey, Kate Fenton, Tammy Craig and Alex Mihailidis Using actors to develop technologies for older adults with dementia: A pilot study. Gerontechnology, 9, 4, 2010 (bibtex)
- Robby Goetschalckx, Olana Missura, Jesse Hoey and Thomas Gaertner Games with Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment using POMDPs. ICML 2010 Workshop on Machine Learning and Games, Haifa, Israel, 2010 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Valerie Leuty, Krists Zutis and Alex Mihailidis A Tool to Promote Prolonged Engagement in Art Therapy: Design and Development from Arts Therapist Requirements. Proceedings of 12th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, Orlando, FL, 2010 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and Robby Goetschalckx An intuitive derivation of a sample size calculation. unpublished note, 2010 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2010: 7
- Jesse Hoey, Brandi Richards, Scott Blunsden, Jane Burns, Tom Bartindale, Dan Jackson, Patrick Olivier, Jennifer N. Boger and Alex Mihailidis ePAD: Engaging Platform for Art Development. IJCAI 2009 Workshop on Intelligent Systems for Assisted Cognition, Pasadena, CA, 2009 (bibtex)
- Scott Blunsden, Brandi Richards, Tom Bartindale, Dan Jackson, Patrick Olivier, Jennifer N. Boger, Alex Mihailidis and Jesse Hoey Design and Prototype of a Device to Engage Cognitively Disabled Older Adults in Visual Artwork. Proceedings of the ACM 2nd International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Corfu, Greece, 2009 (bibtex)
- Jasper Snoek, Jesse Hoey, Liam Stewart, Richard S. Zemel and Alex Mihailidis Automated Detection of Unusual Events on Stairs. Image and Vision Computing, 27, 1-2, January, 2009 (bibtex)
- Patrick Olivier, Andrew Monk, Guangyou Xu and Jesse Hoey Ambient Kitchen: designing situated services using a high fidelity prototyping environment. Proceedings of the ACM 2nd International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Corfu, Greece, 2009 (bibtex)
- Christian Peters, Sven Wachsmuth and Jesse Hoey Learning to recognise behaviours of persons with dementia using multiple cues in an HMM-based approach. Proceedings of the ACM 2nd International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Corfu, Greece, 2009 (bibtex)
- Krists Zutis and Jesse Hoey Who's Counting?: Real-Time Blackjack Monitoring for Card Counting Detection. Proceedings of the International Conference on Vision Systems, Liege, Belgium, 2009 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey The Two-Way Likelihood Ratio (G) Test. unpublished note, 2009 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2009: 7
- Axel von Bertoldi, Jennifer N. Boger, Jesse Hoey, Pascal Poupart, Geoff Fernie, Craig Boutilier and Alex Mihailidis Autonomous Guidance Through Handwashing Using A Partially Observable Markov Decision Process. Technology and Aging - Selected Papers from the 2007 International Conference on Technology and Aging, 21, 2008 (bibtex)
- Pooja Viswanathan, Jennifer N. Boger, Jesse Hoey and Alex Mihailidis A Comparison of Stereovision and Infrared as Sensors for an Anti-Collision Powered Wheelchair for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairments. Technology and Aging - Selected Papers from the 2007 International Conference on Technology and Aging, 21, 2008 (bibtex)
- Alex Mihailidis, Jennifer N. Boger, Marcelle Candido and Jesse Hoey The COACH prompting system to assist older adults with dementia through handwashing: An efficacy study. BMC Geriatrics, 8, 28, 2008 (bibtex)
- Patricia Kan, Jesse Hoey and Alex Mihailidis Automated upper extremity rehabilitation for stroke patients using a partially observable Markov decision process. AAAI 2008 Fall Symposium on AI in Eldercare, 2008 (bibtex)
- Jasper Snoek, Jesse Hoey and Alex Mihailidis An Automated Tool for Detecting and Preventing Unsafe Stair Use. Technology and Aging - Selected Papers from the 2007 International Conference on Technology and Aging, 21, 2008 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2008: 5
- Pooja Viswanathan, Jennifer N. Boger, Jesse Hoey, Pantelis Elinas and Alex Mihailidis The Future of Wheelchairs: Intelligent Collision Avoidance and Navigation Assistance. Geriatrics and Aging, 10, 4, 2007 (bibtex)
- Alex Mihailidis, Pantelis Elinas, Jennifer N. Boger and Jesse Hoey An Intelligent Powered Wheelchair to Enable Mobility of Cognitively Impaired Older Adults: an Anticollision System. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 15, 1, 2007 (bibtex)
- Alex Mihailidis, Jennifer N. Boger, Marcelle Candido and Jesse Hoey The use of an intelligent prompting system for people with dementia. ACM Interactions, 14, 4, July+August, 2007 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Axel von Bertoldi, Pascal Poupart and Alex Mihailidis Assisting Persons with Dementia during Handwashing Using a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process. Proceedings of the International Conference on Vision Systems, Bielefeld, Germany, 2007 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and James J. Little Value-Directed Human Behavior Analysis from Video Using Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 29, 7, July, 2007 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2007: 5
- Jennifer N. Boger, Jesse Hoey, Pascal Poupart, Craig Boutilier, Geoff Fernie and Alex Mihailidis A Planning System Based on Markov Decision Processes to Guide People with Dementia Through Activities of Daily Living. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine, 10, 2, 2006 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Daniel Gunn, Alex Mihailidis and Pantelis Elinas Obstacle Avoidance Wheelchair System. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2006 (bibtex)
- Jasper Snoek, Jesse Hoey, Liam Stewart and Richard S. Zemel Automated Detection of Unusual Events on Stairs. Proceedings of Canadian Conference on Computer Vision, Quebec City, Canada, 2006 (bibtex)
- Pascal Poupart, Nikos Vlassis and Jesse Hoey An Analytic Solution to Discrete Bayesian Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, Pittsburgh, USA, 2006 (bibtex)
- James J. Little, Jesse Hoey and Pantelis Elinas Visual Capabilities in an Interactive Autonomous Robot. Cognitive Vision Systems, 3948, 2006 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey Tracking using Flocks of Features, with Application to Assisted Handwashing. Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2006 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2006: 6
- Jennifer N. Boger, Pascal Poupart, Jesse Hoey, Craig Boutilier, Geoff Fernie and Alex Mihailidis A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Task Assistance for Persons with Dementia. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Pascal Poupart, Craig Boutilier and Alex Mihailidis POMDP models for Assistive Technology. AAAI 2008 Fall Symposium on AI in Eldercare, 2005 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Pascal Poupart, Craig Boutilier and Alex Mihailidis Semi-supervised learning of a POMDP model of Patient-Caregiver Interactions. Proceedings of IJCAI Workshop on Modeling Others From Observations, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and Pascal Poupart Solving POMDPs with Continuous or Large Discrete Observation Spaces. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2005 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2005: 4
- Pantelis Elinas, Enrique Sucar, Alberto Reyes Ballesteros and Jesse Hoey A Decision Theoretic Approach for Task Coordination in Social Robots. Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2004 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and James J. Little Value Directed Learning of Gestures and Facial Displays. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Washington, DC, USA, 2004 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and James J. Little Decision Theoretic Modeling of Human Facial Displays. Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision, Prague, CZ, 2004 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey Decision Theoretic Learning of Facial Displays and Gestures. PhD Thesis, 2004 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2004: 4
- Pantelis Elinas, Jesse Hoey and James J. Little HOMER: Human Oriented MEssenger Robot. Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Human Interaction with Autonomous Systems in Complex Environments, Stanford, CA, USA, 2003 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and James J. Little Bayesian Clustering of Optical Flow Fields. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Nice, France, 2003 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and James J. Little Decision Theoretic Learning of Human Facial Displays. NIPS Workshop on Open Challenges in Cognitive Vision , Whistler, BC, Canada, 2003 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2003: 3
- Pantelis Elinas, Jesse Hoey, Darrell Lahey, Jefferson Montgomery, Don Murray, Stephen Se and James J. Little Waiting with Jose, a vision based mobile robot. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington, DC, USA, 2002 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey Clustering Contextual Facial Display Sequences. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Washington, DC, USA, 2002 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2002: 2
- Jesse Hoey Hierarchical unsupervised learning of facial expression categories. IEEE ICCV Workshop on detection and recognition of events in video, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2001 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2001: 1
- Robert St-Aubin, Jesse Hoey and Craig Boutilier APRICODD: Approximate policy construction using decision diagrams. Neural Information Processing Systems, Denver, CO, USA, 2000 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and James J. Little Representation and Recognition of Complex Human Motion. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Hilton Head, SC, 2000 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey Expectation Maximization for Hidden Markov Models. unpublished note, 2000 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 2000: 3
- Jesse Hoey, Robert St-Aubin, Alan J Hu and Craig Boutilier SPUDD: Stochastic Planning Using Decision Diagrams. Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, Sweden, 1999 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 1999: 1
- Greg Smith, P.A. Amaudruz, J.T. Brack, L Felawka, A Gorelov, R.A. Henderson, D.F. Ottewell, P. Vincent, Y. We, F. Bonutti, P. Camerini, N. Grion, R. Rui, Jesse Hoey, Gertjan Hofman, Marcelle Candido, Mohammed Kermani, Doug Maas, Sheila McFarland, Kevin Raywood, Martin E. Sevior, E.L. Mathie, R. Tacik, P. Reeve, R.A. Ristinen, E.F. Gibson, R. Meier and H.M. Staudenmaier The CHAOS spectrometer for pion physics at TRIUMF. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 362, 2-3, August, 1995 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 1995: 1
- Jesse Hoey Use of a Vessel-Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler to Study Currents and Zooplankton Biomass Distribution over the Vancouver Island Continental Margin. M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1994 (bibtex)
number of articles published in 1994: 1