Formal CV
Dr. Jesse Hoey is a professor in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, where he leads the Computational Health Informatics Laboratory (CHIL). He is a Faculty Affiliate at the Vector Institute in Toronto. Dr. Hoey holds a Ph.D degree (2004) in computer science from the University of British Columbia. He has published over one hundred peer reviewed scientific papers. His primary research interest is to understand the nature of human emotional intelligence by attempting to build computational models of some of its core functions, and to apply them in domains with social and economic impact. He is Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing and an Area Chair for the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021).
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See complete list of publications
Informal CV
Jesse Hoey is a Professor in the School of Computer Science at the
University of Waterloo. He is a University of Waterloo Graham Trust Faculty Fellow 2018-2019.
He was a Cheriton Faculty Fellow 2014-2017.

In his past lives, he has been (in no particular order):
Fantasy CV
- August 24th, 410 AD: Sacked Rome (with Alaric and Visigoths)
- August, 1000 AD: Encountered North American Indigenous peoples, Newfoundland (with Leif Erikson), marking the first collective multi-generational circumnavigation of the world by humans.
- June 8th, 1924: Climbed Mt. Everest (with Mallory and Irvine, R.I.P.)
- August, 1970: Held the title of the youngest person in the world for approximately 300ms. Another notable who achieved this feat on the very same day was Fred Durst.
- August 16th, 1974: Played in the first Ramones concert at CBGB, NYC (with Dee-Dee, Johnny, Joey, Tommy)
- May 24th, 1986 Won Stanley Cup (with Patrick Roy, Chris Nilan and the Montreal Canadiens - GO HABS GO!)
Jesse Bio Quiz
1. What famous landmark is Jesse standing inside of in this picture?
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2. Whose hand is Jesse holding in this picture?
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3. Whose house is Jesse standing in front of in this picture?
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4. What event took place in this room in June, 1956?
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5. Who is Jesse getting cosy with in this picture??
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