Seminar • Software Engineering — Energy Debugging of Android Applications

Tuesday, July 23, 2019 1:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Fathiyeh Faghih, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Tehran

Android have become a popular operating system for smartphones, and a wide variety of applications are being developed for this platform. Due to the limited energy supply on such smartphones, the energy consumption of an application plays a significant role in users’ satisfaction. Recent studies in this field reveals that a considerable number of applications suffer from energy issues. To tackle this problem, we have been working on energy inefficiency analysis of Android applications. 

We are pursuing two approaches: static and dynamic. In the static approach, we are collecting a set of programming patterns leading to energy bugs, and try to analyze the control-flow graph of Android applications to find them. In the dynamic approach, we do testing different scenarios, measuring the energy usage, and analyzing the energy curves to find energy bugs. In this talk, I'll cover the steps we have taken so far towards this goal.