Please note: This seminar will take place in DC 1304 and virtually over Zoom.
Mariam Guizani, PhD candidate
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Oregon State University
Diversity and Inclusion in Open-Source Software (OSS) has a significant impact on the OSS ecosystem and society. The low state of diversity and inclusion in OSS (e.g., women participation ranging from 1.5% to 11%) has unfortunate effects on OSS projects, individual contributors, and society.
In this talk, I will present my findings from three research projects: (1) a conceptual model of the challenges faced by OSS contributors in a mature OSS organization, (2) a systematic inclusivity debugging process “Why/ Where/ Fix” based on this conceptual model to help project leaders find and fix inclusivity bugs and (3) the automation of a vertical slice of the inclusivity debugging process. Our results showed that the “Why/ Where/ Fix” inclusivity debugging process reduced the number of inclusivity bugs by 90%, produced positive effects across diverse cognitive styles, and made the project more equitable. These results provide encouraging evidence that the Why/Where/Fix process may provide an effective way to increase the equity and inclusion of information[1]rich environments like OSS projects.
Bio: Mariam Guizani is a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University. Her research centers around improving the state of Diversity and Inclusion in complex socio-technical ecosystems by empowering communities to dismantle cognitive and social barriers that introduce inequities. More specifically, her dissertation focuses on designing processes and tools to help Open-Source Software (OSS) communities make their projects more inclusive and attract and retain contributors.
During her time at Oregon State University, Mariam has been working as a consultant for the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). She has interned at Microsoft Research where she designed a maintainer dashboard that is now built into two GitHub products and is now working closely with ASF and Google on implementing interventions for sustainable communities. These collaborations have resulted in ACM and IEEE publications which have been presented at international conferences in software engineering (ICSE, ICSE SEIS) and human-computer interaction (CSCW) and multiple OSS conference panels. Mariam Guizani was also the recipient of the Fulbright fellowship.