Python Workshops for Beginners

Friday, September 26, 2014 (all day)


Dates Times
Friday, September 26 5:30 - 9:30 pm
Saturday, September 27 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, October 25 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, November 15 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

This is a FREE event that includes morning coffee and lunch.

Apply to participate in our workshops.


The workshops will cover an intense 25-hour curriculum designed to give
beginners complete, basic programming skills to use in their studies or
workplace, with a focus on data science applications. Over the course of
the workshops, participants will learn the Python programming language
through lectures and activities, supported by a team of mentors. Attendees must bring their own laptops, though we can make arrangements for any participants who do not have their own computer.

We give our sincerest thanks to the Python Software Foundation and its
Education and Outreach Committee for making these workshops possible
with their generous funding!


These workshops are targeted at beginners with no prior programming
experience. If you are a math or engineering student, you likely will have too much experience for these workshops to benefit you, but please consider mentoring.

We are affiliated with Women in Computer Science, and value a respectful, supportive and welcoming environment for all participants (students and non-students alike).

Everyone is welcome to apply for these workshops, though priority will be given to under-represented groups in the field of computing.


Application submissions will open on Monday, September 8 and close at
11:59 pm on Thursday, September 18.

Applicants that are chosen to participate will be notified by Saturday, September 20.

Apply to participate!


Mentors will help teach curriculum and provide one-on-one assistance to
participants. If you have good knowledge of the Python programming
language, we would welcome your involvement as a mentor! You will be
provided free dinners after each session in appreciation of your help; the dinners will also be used as a mentor circle to reflect on the day's session and work on improvements for the next event.

Those who want to become mentors should contact Elana.


Email Elana Hashman, Event Coordinator, for further information.