FINE / CS 383 Computational Digital Art Capstone Exhibition

Wednesday, April 3, 2019 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Come to Area 151 Communitech at 151 Charles Street West in Kitchener to experience the FINE/CS 383 Computational Digital Art Capstone Exhibition, where you will see interactive and digital works of art created by students from the University of Waterloo!

poster advertising FINE / CS 383 Art Exhibition

Featured artists

Chelsea Barta • Chris Garratt • Simon Henderson • Devin Skolud • Julia Ulmer • Kara Van Muyen • Joy Zhang

FINE/CS 383 is an upper-level studio course to create computational projects that function as art works and aesthetic experiences.

Everyone is welcome to attend this free digital art exhibition. Refreshments will be served.