Student life and community
The Computer Science Club (CSC) is open to all students of the university but caters specifically to students in computer science related programs or interests. The CSC regularly has termly events and opportunities to get involved with other CS students.
Women in Computer Science (WiCS) has many mentorship and professional development events and opportunities for undergraduate students, particularly their undergraduate committee.
The UW Data Science Club (DSC) may cater to students with interests in data science, computer science, or statistics. The club is open to all students and also has termly events and opportunities to get involved.
Stay up to date
The e-Capstone is an opportunity for upper-year undergraduates and graduate students in computer science to take initiative and develop critically important entrepreneurial skills by solving a real-world problem they are passionate about.
Students will experience — in a very hands-on way — the process of taking an idea, critically assessing its feasibility, testing assumptions with potential users, building a proof-of-concept, and ultimately pitching it to a general audience. Although not a mandatory requirement of the CS e-Capstone, some teams may choose to develop their proof-of-concept into a fully functional and market-relevant product or service via a start-up venture.

Velocity is an opportunity for talented, creative, and technologically savvy students with an entrepreneurial spirit to create technology products. Students with an interest in mobile communications, the web, and new media live in a residence with like-minded peers.
The students join faculty and corporate partners as active collaborators and share the benefits of the talent, ideas, and innovations that evolve!
Academic enrichment
The Cheriton School of Computer Science frequently hosts events and seminar, and while the content may not be too accesible, students may still find interest in hearing others speak about their research. Other talks, such as those in the Distinguished Lecture Series, are geared to a more general audience.
UW 3+1 program
The University of Waterloo is a dynamic institution, recognized as the most innovative comprehensive university in Canada. Waterloo has a formal exchange agreement with three leading universities in China — Tsinghua University, Nanjing University and Wuhan University. Established in 2006, the UW 3+1 program is an exchange program for undergraduate students in China who are studying computer science. More than 30 undergraduates have spent one academic year at the University of Waterloo, and many have continued their studies here as graduate students.
If you are an undergraduate student in your third year of studies enrolled at Tsinghua University, Nanjing University or Wuhan University and wish to apply to the UW 3+1 program, please contact your university’s foreign exchange office first, then email University Professor Ming Li.
Undergraduate students from China accepted into the UW 3+1 program will be awarded the Jimin Liu Scholarship to partially support their study at the University of Waterloo.
Programming contests and challenges
Electronic Arts holds programming contests that Waterloo students can participate in. The Python Challenge is a game where each level requires programming, mostly in Python.
As well, all Waterloo students are welcome to participate in local programming contests, from which our International Collegiate Programming Contest teams are chosen. The University of Waterloo is the only Canadian university to win the International Collegiate Programming Competition World Finals, taking the prized title in 1994 and again in 1999.