MMath degree completion
In order to receive a MMath degree you must complete all of your program's degree requirements. For a complete list of your program's degree requirements you should consult the Graduate Academic Calendar for the term in which you were admitted.
If you have any questions regarding the degree completion process, you should contact your Graduate Coordinator.
Degree completion deadlines
Minimum completion deadlines and holidays can be found on the academic deadlines and events page.
In summary if degree completion requirements are met:
- September 1 – April 30 student will attend spring Convocation
- May 1 – August 31 student will attend fall Convocation
Note: Students have until the 100% tuition refund deadline for the upcoming term, date as noted in the academic deadlines and events page each term, to finish in the previous term and not register for the upcoming term. If you finish by the upcoming terms 100% tuition refund deadline it means you do NOT have to register (pay fees) for the new term.
If a student finishes by the 50% tuition refund deadline they can elect to change their status to part-time for the upcoming term to reduce their fees and will also be eligible for a 50% fee refund if they meet this deadline. Please note that students may forfeit funding if they elect to go part-time.
To receive a tuition refund by the respective deadline, both the thesis acceptance form and the UWSpace thesis submission need to be processed and approved by GSPA before the deadline.
Steps to completion
Thesis option
Please read the following steps required to complete a Master's presentation by the sutdent/supervisor(s)/MGO etc.
Note: It is necessary to start this process 5-6 weeks prior to presenting, as we need to account for form processing times, and your thesis must be posted on display for 3-weeks before you can present.
At least 6 Weeks Prior to Presentation
In the term you intend to be degree complete you must apply to graduate on Quest and complete the steps noted in the Graduate studies graduation checklist
Complete the coursework requirement check, which will be submitted to the Computer Science Graduate Office, for review/approval.
Consult with your supervisor(s) to establish a timeline to complete, select your readers and a tentative presentation date
Guidelines for selecting your thesis readers can be found on the MMath thesis option program page.
At least 5 Weeks Prior to Presentation
When your thesis is ready to be read and you have selected your readers, follow the steps and complete the Agreement to read MMath thesis form.
The thesis should be approved for display by the supervisor(s) and be sent to committee members before the start of the display period.
Email a PDF copy of your thesis and the signed agreement to read form to your Graduate Coordinator.
The agreement to read MMath thesis form will be reviewed by the director of graduate studies and signed.
Please allow 1-3 business days for processing
Your Graduate Coordinator will email MGO, and CC you, with a copy of your thesis and the signed agreement to read form to have your thesis posted on display.
Please allow 1-3 business days for processing by MGO
As noted on the MMath thesis option program page, CS requires a 3 week display period.
Requests for a shortened display period must be made prior to submitting your agreement to read form by emailing the director of graduate studies. Please note that requests for shortened display periods are only approved under extenuating circumstances.
Once your thesis is on display, MGO will send you a copy of the thesis announcement by email
At least 4 Weeks Prior to Presentation
To have your presentation room booked and announced, complete the MMath thesis presentation web form 10 days prior to the presentation date you want
When selecting your presentation date, you must consult with your supervisor(s) and readers.
Provide yourself with a 5-8 day buffer period for edits once your presentation is complete, before the terms degree completion deadline. This buffer period should be after your presentation date to allow for edits and depositing of your thesis
Your presentation is announced in the SCS Newsletter as well as the CS Weekly Announcements and Events pages
In-person presentations: Students must book their presentation room by contacting
Online presentations: Students must set up their own online presentations either through MS Teams or Zoom or other platforms. IST or CSCF can assist you if you are having issues.
After your Presentation
After your presentation:
Complete necessary edits as outlined by your supervisor(s) and two readers, if applicable, and review the formatting of your thesis
Submit the completed MMath Thesis Acceptance form to the MMath Graduate Coordinator
Thesis Embargo: If you wish to request to restrict circulation of your thesis (e.g., due to patent pending), you may do so on the Thesis Acceptance form. You would also have to select the thesis restriction pull down option when uploading your thesis to UWSpace.
Upload the final version of your thesis to UWSpace
UWSpace may require you to make revisions to the formatting of your thesis. Check your UW e-mail regularly after you submit
When your thesis has been accepted by UWSpace, you and your Graduate Coordinator will be notified by e-mail
Once your thesis has been accepted to UWSpace your Graduate Coordinator will complete a final review and update Quest with your completion. GSPA will then also require a few business days to update Quest with your completion.
Updates to Quest noting that you have met your degree requirements does take time. You may obtain a Degree Completion letter from The Centre. Degree completion letters can only be processed once a degree has been coded to your Quest account. Degrees that have been coded will appear at the top of your unofficial transcript. -
Review information regarding convocation
Complete CS Graduate Exit Form
Research paper option
All required forms must by typed and submitted to the MMath Graduate Coordinator in the CS Graduate Office.
- In the term you intend to be degree complete you must apply to graduate on Quest and complete the steps noted in the Graduate studies graduation checklist
- Consult with your supervisor(s) to establish a timeline to complete
- Complete the coursework requirement check, which will be submitted to the Computer Science Graduate Office , for review/approval.
- Discuss formatting of your research paper with your supervisor(s)
- There are no formal guidelines regarding formatting the research paper as there are for the thesis. Your research paper should be similar to any research paper you would submit for a course but more in depth as it is equivalent to one course.
- Once your Research paper is ready, have your presentation room booked and announced by completing the MMath thesis presentation web form 10 days prior to the presentation date you want
- Your presentation is announced in the SCS Newsletter, the CS Weekly Announcements and Events pages
- After your presentation, submit the completed MMath Essay (Research Paper) Acceptance Form to the MMath Graduate Coordinator
- Email a PDF copy of your Research paper to your Graduate Coordinator
- Your Graduate Coordinator will complete and submit a Program Completion form
- Updates to Quest noting that you have met your degree requirements does take time. You may obtain a Program Completion letter from the GSPA specifying you have met your degree requirements only after your unofficial transcript notes your confer date
- Review information regarding convocation
- Complete CS Graduate Exit Form
Coursework option
- In the term you intend to be degree complete you must contact your MMath Graduate Coordinator to review degree requirements
- Apply to graduate on Quest and complete the steps noted in the Graduate studies graduation checklist
- Email the Computer Science Graduate Office , to notify us that you have applied to graduate on Quest
- Your Graduate Coordinator will review your degree requirements and approve the graduation request once all grades are posted on your unofficial transcript and degree requirements are met
- You may obtain a Program Completion letter from the GSPA specifying you have met your degree requirements only after your unofficial transcript notes your confer date
- Review information regarding convocation
- Complete CS Graduate Exit Form