Spring 2019 course offerings

Instructor  Recommended Background  Area Number  Course Title
P. Alencar Open background SE 846-001 Topic: Software Engineering for Big Data
D. Berry Open background SE 846-002 Topic: Advanced Topics in Requirements Engineering
K. Salem UG course in database systems DB 848 DBMS for ML, ML for DBMS
D.R Stinson Some background in cryptopgraphy would be helpful but not required. Mathematical background in discrete math, algebra and probability would be helpful. AC 858 Topic: Unconditionally Secure Cryptopgraphy (Combinatorial Cryptography)
L.C. Lau Linear algebra, probability theory, convex optimization, algorithms AC 860-001 Topic: Spectral graph theory and high dimensional expanders
D. Gosset   QIC 867 Topic: Quantum Algorithms
E. Lank Open background GUI 889 Experimental Methods in HCI
Y. Boykov Linear algebra, probability theory, convex optimization, algorithms AI 898 Topics in Computer Vision