Fall 2015 course offerings

Instructor  Area Number Title
D. Berry SE CS 645 Software Requirements Specification and Analysis
R. Boutaba Syst CS 656 Computer Networks
I. Goldberg Syst CS 658 Computer Security and Privacy
B. Ma Alg CS 666 Algorithm Design and Analysis
S. Ben-David AI CS 685 Machine Learning
J. Hoey AI CS 686 Introduction to Artifiical Intelligence
C. Kaplan Graphics CS 688 Introduction to Computer Graphics
C. DiMarco None CS 697 Graduate Research Skills Seminar VIDEO
R. Trefler SE CS 745 Computer-Aided Verification
J. Watrous Quant CS 766 Theory of Quantum Information
R. Cleve Quant CS 768 Quantum Information Processing VIDEO
J. Orchard SciCom CS 770 Numerical Analysis
C. DiMarco AI CS 798 Advanced Research Topics: Games for Health
LC Lau ALG CS 798 Advanced Research Topics: Algorithmic Spectral Graph Theory
G. Richards PLG CS 842 Adv Topics in Language Design and Implementation: Automatic Memory Management and Garbage Collection
P. Alencar SE CS 846 Software Engineering for Big Data
K. Daudjee DB CS 848-1 Advanced Topics in Data Bases: Large-scale Data Management 
D. Toman DB CS 848-2 Advanced Topics in Data Bases: Topics in DB: main-memory data
R. Boutaba Syst CS 856 Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems: Software Defined Clouds and Networks VIDEO
I. Goldberg Syst CS 858 Adv Topics in Cryptography, Security and Privacy: Privacy Enhancing Technologies
E. Lank Graphics CS 889-1 Advanced Topics in HCI: Replication Studies
E. Law Graphics CS 889-2 Advanced Topics in HCI: Human-in-the-loop Systems VIDEO