DLS - Bruno Buchberger

Bruno Buchberger
Joannes Kepler University

​Can Mathematical Invention be Automated?

photo of Bruno Buchberger
​Abstract: The invention of mathematical concepts, theorems and methods is deemed to be one of the most challenging intellectual activities. Mathematics is the essential source of automation in the innovation spiral from science via technology to economy. Hence, automation of the mathematical invention process is not only a philosophical question but a question of highest practical and societal relevance. In this talk, the current state of research on the automation of mathematical invention will be illustrated and discussed.

Biography: Bruno Buchberger is Professor of Computer Mathematics at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) of the Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. Buchberger is best known for the invention of the theory of Groebner bases, which has found numerous applications in mathematics, science, and engineering. He received the prestigious ACM Kanellakis Award 2007 for his Groebner bases theory. He was elected (1991) member of the Academia Europea (London) and holds three honorary doctorates. His current main research topic is automated mathematical theory exploration. He pursues this topic in the frame of his Theorema Project that involved currently 15 researchers including six PhD students. Buchberger is founder of RISC, the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (1987), The Journal of Symbolic Computation (1985), and  The Softwarepark Hagenberg (1990), a technology centre with over 1,000 R&D co-workers.