Seminar • Systems and Networking — Tiny Functions at Large Scale: New Systems for Interactive Computing

Tuesday, April 13, 2021 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Please note: This seminar will be given online.

Sadjad Fouladi, Computer Science Department
Stanford University

Interactive computing has redefined the way that humans approach and solve complex problems. However, the slowdown of Moore’s law, coupled with the massive increase in data volume and sophistication, has diminished the role of computers as interactive machines. Tasks such as video processing, compilation & software testing, 3D rendering, simulations, and data analytics have turned into batch jobs running on large clusters, limiting our ability to tinker, iterate, and collaborate efficiently—the fun of computing! Meanwhile, cloud computing has made an ocean of heterogeneous resources available at unprecedented ease but hasn’t quite found its impact in the realm of interactive systems.

I’ll share my experiences creating new systems and abstractions for large-scale interactive computing, where users can execute a wide range of resource-intensive tasks with low latency. In this vision, by expressing applications in terms of tiny stateless functions and leveraging granular cloud services, users can burst to tens of thousands of parallel computations on demand for short periods of time. I will discuss our experience building such applications for real-time Internet video, and for massively burst-parallel video processing, 3D ray tracing, software builds, formal verification, and other tasks. By creating new abstractions across the stack—in programming systems, runtimes, and our underlying infrastructure—how can we best empower people to enable this new class of large-scale interactive systems?

Bio: Sadjad Fouladi is a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Stanford University, advised by Keith Winstein. He is broadly interested in computer systems, focusing on distributed applications, massively burst-parallel computing, and video. His work has received the Applied Networking Research Prize and the USENIX NSDI Community Award.

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