Seminar • Networks and Distributed Systems — Role of Thermostats — Beyond Control and Feedback

Friday, April 27, 2018 1:30 pm - 1:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Milan Jain, PhD Scholar in Computer Science
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi

Over the years, researchers have spent a significant amount of time in optimizing the energy consumption of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) units while ensuring user comfort. Consequently, since the advent of programmable thermostats in 1885, today's thermostats are better in design, smarter in controlling the HVAC system, and able to suggest optimal HVAC settings. However, throughout this journey, we have limited the goal of thermostat optimization to develop better control strategies for the HVAC — with or without involving the human. 

In this talk — Beyond Control and Feedback — I will discuss the role of thermostats in (1) sensor minimization, (2) comfort localization, and (3) predictive maintenance. Sensor minimization focuses on reducing the necessary instrumentation in buildings, localization assures personalized and targeted thermal comfort for occupants, and predictive maintenance relates to fault detection & diagnosis in HVAC units. Using three different applications, I will demonstrate the ability of the technology behind existing thermostats in achieving these objectives, and associated challenges.

Bio: Milan Jain is a Ph.D. Scholar in Computer Science  at the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIITD), under the supervision of Dr. Amarjeet Singh and Dr. Vikas Chandan in the Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Group. He is also a part of Energy Group of IIITD, where he is focused on minimizing energy consumption by HVAC systems, a major contributor towards electricity consumption. In 2014, he completed his Master's in Computer Science from IIITD with specialization in Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing. He received a B.Tech in Information Technology (IT) from NIT Patna in 2012, and visited U. Waterloo for four months in 2016.

