CS Office Hours

The CS Advisors offer email as well as virtual and in-person office hours. For general inquiries, please go to our FAQ or contact us at csadvisor@uwaterloo.ca. If you have a more complicated case that requires a conversation, then please meet with us during our office hours.

Daily Office Hours

Office hours are from 2:00 PM-3:30 PM every weekday. Additional office hours are offered from 9:30 AM-11:00 AM in the first weeks of classes only. Tickets will be given out on a first-come-first-serve basis starting at 8AM the day of. 

From January 20th, office hours will be both online and in-person in MC 4019A.

If you aren't a UW student or you are an alumni, then please leave your email in the ticket system under "Others" so that we may contact you. 

Meet with us Virtually during office hours:

  1. To get in line to see a CS Advisor virtually, go to our ticket system and log in to get a "ticket" for your place in line. Indicate that you would like to see an advisor virtually.
  2. Before office hours has begun, you can log in MS Teams using a browser or by downloading the mobile or desktop app. If using a browser, you may want to use Chrome as Safari and FireFox might have audio and feature issues.

  3. Log into MS teams using your userid@uwaterloo.ca (not your friendly address of name.name@uwaterloo.ca). After this, you should be taken to UW’s authentication site.
  4. Log in using your UW credential. The site will then take you to MS Teams.
  5. We will call you on MS Teams when it’s your turn.

*To meet with an advisor for the virtual office hours, you need access to a working webcam, microphone, a reliable internet connection, and that you are in a quiet location.

Meet with us in-person during office hours:

  1. To get in line to see a CS Advisor in person, go to our ticket system and log in to get a "ticket" for your place in line. Indicate that you would like to see an advisor in-person.
  2. Wait outside MC 4019A to help us maintain student privacy before it's your turn.
  3. Monitor your mobile device for your place in line.
  4. We will call you in to the office when it is your turn.

Academic Advising Schedule

Week of Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday  
March 3 - 7





March 10 - 14 Jeff*






March 17 - 21









March 24 - 28 Zahra Leili Nomair Leili Zahra  
March 31 Mark          

(* indicates online-only office hours)

Who are your advisors?

Computer Science (CS) advisors

Zahra Ahmed

Photo of Zahra Ahmed

Brad Lushman

Jessica Leung (on leave)

Jeff Avery

Nomair Naeem

photo of Nomair Naeem

Leili Rafiee Sevyeri

picture of leili

Carmen Bruni

Shoshannah Holdom

Mark Petrick