Transferring to Computer Science (CS) or adding a joint CS program is a competitive process and there is a limited number of transfers allowed each term. This page provides general information on requirements, deadlines, the transfer process, as well as a guide on transferring to CS based on your current program. Click on the links below to quickly access the relevant sections.

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Math students

The transfer process is competitive and our ability to accept transfers depends on the size of our student body at the time. Students should only apply if they are taking or have taken CS 136/146 and CS136L. Students who have not taken CS 136/146 and CS136L are not eligible to apply until they have done so.

Since CS is a unit within the Faculty of Math, there would not be any changes to co-op. 


To be eligible to transfer to CS, students must 1) be taking (or have taken) CS 136/146+136L (or equivalent), 2) meet the minimum admission requirements, and 3) submit an online application (below) for the opportunity to transfer to Computer Science. However, due to the high number of applications, the threshold average will likely be considerably higher.

You can apply to CS as many times as you'd like once you have met your eligibility. 

Factors for consideration

 As part of our decision-making process, we will look at the following:

  1. Your CS major average or equivalent courses (your CS major average includes CS 136, 245, 246, 370 as well as as any other CS major courses);
  2. Your Math Faculty average, which comprises of your CS and MATH courses (including ACTSC, AMATH, CM, CO, PMATH, STAT, etc.);
  3. Whether you have taken any enriched CS or Math courses;
  4. Your cumulative average;
  5. Your workload in the term(s) you were taking CS 136/245/246/370 (or equivalent courses);
  6. Your Communication Skills course grades; and,
  7. Your answers to the application questions.

We're unable to provide any further information about the decision-making process because each application term is different.


Applications will be accepted three times a year; once per a term. The online applications typically open in the last week of the first month, and closes a week or two before the end of the term. Please go to the application itself to review the deadline. Late applications will NOT be accepted. Students will be notified of the results during the first week of the following term.

If you are eligible to transfer to CS, then please complete the below online form (Transfer from Math to CS):

Non-Math student

Like for Math students, the eligibility, factors for consideration, deadlines on students transferring to CS are the same. Students should only apply if they have taken (or in the process of taking) CS 136/146+CS136L or the equivalent courses for CS 135 and CS 136. Please speak to a CS advisor to verify whether you have equivalent courses for CS 135 and 136, and how these courses might be considered during the transfer process. You may also want to consider taking CS136L during a non-degree term before you transfer. 

In addition to the above, since CS is a unit within the Faculty of Math, non-math students must also apply for admission into Math and meet the Math minimum admission requirements. If you are admitted to CS, then you will be given a conditional offer to CS until your acceptance to the Faculty of Math is confirmed. We recommend that you apply to Math as soon as possible since the transfer process into Math may take longer to process. Note: Your co-op is not guaranteed to transfer with you when you move between Faculties. Please contact a Math Internal Transfer advisor to discuss co-op and refer to the Math Internal Transfer page for more information. 

If you are eligible to transfer to CS and Math, then please complete the two online applications (below) to transfer successfully: 1) "transfer from outside of Math to Math" and 2) "transfer from outside of Math to CS".

CFM students

CFM students should first consult with the CFM Program Manager before considering a transfer to CS. After this, you may see a CS Advisor to discuss details of your transfer as each student's situation may be different. CFM students are already in the Math Co-op program, so co-op would not be affected. 

Some of the basic conditions to transfer to CS are:

  • You must have spent two full-time study terms in your current program;
  • You must be in good standing and not have more than 4 failed courses; and,
  • We'll also look at what would have happened if you had been in CS. If you would have been forced out at any time (for example, due to low averages), you aren't admissible.

For CFM students who started their program before Fall 2022, you may complete a plan modification form (below) to transfer to CS.

If you started your program Fall 2022, then the above would still apply, but the application process is competitive and you will have to complete an online form (below).

SE Students

[Updated July 17 2024]

After August 23, 2024, the process for students to transfer from Software Engineering to Computer Science will be competitive. If you apply to transfer after August 23, 2024, you must follow the process for students in the Faculty of Mathematics.

If you are considering transferring to Computer Science on or before August 23, 2024, follow the process below:

SE students should first consult with the SE Director before considering a transfer to CS. After this, you may contact the Math Internal Transfer advisor to discuss equivalent courses, the application process, and co-op eligibility. If you'd like to determine future courses and requirements for the CS degree, then please contact a CS Advisor. Note: your co-op is not guaranteed to transfer with you when you move between Faculties. 

Some of the basic conditions are:

  • You must have spent two full-time study terms in your current program; and,
  • We'll also look at what would have happened if you had been in CS. If you would have been forced out at any time (for example, due to low averages, failed courses, exceeding the repeat rule, etc.), you aren't admissible. Please speak with a CS advisor for more information.

If you are eligible to transfer to CS, then please complete the below online form (Transfer from Software Engineering to Math or CS):

BBA/BCS student 

Transferring to CS as a BBA/BCS Double Degree student is different depending on whether your home school is UW or WLU. Please refer to the BBA/BCS transfers page for more information:

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BCS vs BMath CS vs CS Joint