Winter 2019 Course Offerings

Instructor Area Recommended background Number Course title


    631 Data-Intensive Distributed Analytics
TBA     636 Introduction to Computer Networks & Distributed Computer Systems
TBA PLG   642 Principles of Programming Languages
TBA PLG   644 Compiler Construction
TBA SE   645 Software Requirements Specification and Analysis
TBA SE   647 Software Testing, Quality Assurance & Maintenance
TBA DB   648 Database System Implementation
TBA Systems   650 Computer Architecture
TBA Systems   651 - 001 Data-Intensive Distributed Computing
TBA Systems   654 - 001 Real-Time Programming
TBA Systems   654 - 002 Distributed Systems
TBA Systems   656 - 001 Computer Networks
TBA Systems   656 - 002 Computer Security and Privacy
TBA Systems   658 - 001  
TBA Systems   658 - 002  
TBA Algorithms   662 Formal Languages and Parsing
TBA SciCom   676 Numeric Compilation for Financial Modeling
TBA CompStat   680 - 001  
TBA Compstat   680 - 002  
TBA Bioinformatics   682 Computational Techniques in Biological Sequence Analysis
TBA CompStat   685 Machine Learning: Statistical and Computational Foundations
TBA AI   686 - 001 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
TBA AI   686 - 002  
TBA SciCom   687 Introduction to Symbolic Computation
TBA Graphics   688 Introduction to Computer Graphics
TBA AI   698-1 Introductory Research Topics: Computational Audio
TBA Computational Statistics   698-2 Introductory Research Topics: Machine Learning
TBA AI/SciCom   698-3 Introductory research Topics: Neural Networks
S. Rhebergen SciCom Knowledge of probability 778 Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
H. Chen Health Informatics Open background 792 - 001 Splines & Their Use In Computer Graphics
H. Chen Health Informatics Open background 792 - 081 Splines & Their Use In Computer Graphics
R. Boutaba Systems   798 - 001 Network Softwarization: Principles and Foundations
R. Boutaba Systems   798 - 002 Network Sofwarization: Technologies and Enablers
S. Al-Kiswany Systems UG level OS, networking 798 - 003 Advanced Distributed Systems
G. Richards PLG UG compilers course 842 Virtual Machines for Dynamic Languages
M. Godfrey SE Nominal systems/programming background from undergraduate degree 846 Empircal Software Evolution
I. Ilyas DB Basic knowledge of DB systems, stats and machine learning 848 - 001 Machine Learning Solutions for Data Cleaning
T. Ozsu DB UG database course; databse internals (CS 448) preferred 848 - 002 Big Data Management Platforms
O. Abari Systems Open background 856 - 001 loT and Intelligent Connectivity
S. Keshav Systems Open background 856 - 002 Blockchain: Foundations and Applications
E. Blais AC Probability Theory 860 - 001 Communication Complexity
J. Shallit AC Open background 860 - 002 Patterns in Words
R. Cleve     867 Entanglement and non-local effects
Y. Yu AI Probability/ statistics/ algorithms at the level of CS 480 (Intro to ML) 886 - 001 Theory of Deep Learning
S. Ben-David AI Basic courses in algorithms, CS 241 and basic statistics like Stat 230 886 - 002 Clustering Theory
C. Batty GUI Basic numerical computing (eg. CS 370) 888 Physics-Bases Animation for Film and Games
G. Baranoski   Open backgound 898 Synergy Between CS and Biology