All Printing Related Material

This page is meant to be a central point from which all printing related pages can be found.
Note: because of reports of many printing issues with printing via print.cs we recommend using direct to printer printing as outlined in the End Users section below for each OS

Information for End Users / CSCF Help Desk

Laptop wireless access to printers

Finding the full list of printers and their address

  • For a list of printers, locations, names you can use this link
  • Please avoid using a printer that is group specific unless you are part of the group

Printer setup by OS

Advantages of setting up for direct printing setup vs CUPS

  • Although CUPs printing is the easiest to setup
    1. ) You can not cancel your own jobs once they have been sent
    2. ) You do not get detailed feedback from the printer when there are errors
      • Such as: Paper Jam, Paper out, Toner out, waiting for manual feed
  • Setting up to print directly to the printer itself avoids all of these issues.

System Administrator Information

Technical Overview/Analysis of Print Infrastructure

Information About Specific Printer Models

See also

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedocx HOW_TO_ADD_RICOH_PRINTER_DRIVER_ON_MAC.docx r1 manage 1181.8 K 2024-06-06 - 14:24 UsheUshe  
Microsoft Word filedocx HOW_TO_DOWNLOAD_RICOH_PRINTER_DRIVER.docx r2 r1 manage 1575.2 K 2024-06-07 - 10:27 UsheUshe Drivers for the Ricoh Printers
Microsoft Word filedocx HOW_TO_INSTALL_RICOH_PRINTER_DRIVER_ON_MAC.docx r1 manage 1030.5 K 2024-06-06 - 14:24 UsheUshe  
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Topic revision: r81 - 2024-06-07 - UsheUshe
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