Stephen Mann-Publications Stephen Mann [UW shield]

Web page

Last Updated: December 12, 2024


The documents contained in these directories are included by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Some of these documents are in PDF format. You will need a pdf viewer to read them. ACROBAT READER

Books, Monographs

Leo Dorst, Daniel Fontijne, and Stephen Mann, ``Geometric Algebra for Computer Science.'' Morgan-Kaufmann. 2006. Second printing 2009.
A Blossoming Development of Splines, Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics, 2006, Vol. 1, No. 1, Pages 1-97 (doi: 10.2200/S00041ED1V01200607CGR001).

Journal Articles and Other Refereed and Reviewed Publications:


Samuel Delattre, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann and Allan Spence, Evaluation of a Stereo Depth Camera for Part Monitoring For CNC Machining, in the Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol 22, No 1, pg 91-106, 2025.
DOI: 10.14733/cadaps.2025.91-106
Michael Lenover, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann and William Melek Improvements to a Machine Learning Machining Feature Recognition System, in the Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol 22, No 1, pg 119-135, 2025.
DOI: 10.14733/cadaps.2025.119-135


Yang Li, Eugene Li, Michael Lenover, Stephen Mann and Sanjeev Bedi, Edge adjacency graph and neural network architecture for machining feature recognition (view only link) in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, published online December 2024.
DOI: 10.1007/s00170-024-14903-y
Stephen Mann, Investigations of a Functional Version of a Blending Surface Scheme for Regular Data Interpolation, in the Journal of Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol 111, June 2024.
DOI: 10.1016.j.cagd.2024.102345
Mukhmeet Singh, Sanjeev Bedi and Stephen Mann, A GPU Method and Error Analysis of Multi-Point Positioning of a Toroidal Tool for 5-Axis Machining, in the Journal of Computer Aided Design and Applications, Vol 21, No 5, pg 819-883, 2024
DOI: 10.14733/cadaps
Huijing Yao, Stephen Mann, and Qinchuan Li, Line-Cyclide Intersection and Colinear Point Quadruples in the Double Conformal Model, in the Proceedings of the International Conference of Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (Springer LNCS series), Vol 13771. February, 2024


Arnold, K. M., Lenover, M., Fieguth, P., Bedi, S., Mann, S. Training Simple CNN on Synthetic Data for Real Data Applications in CNC Manufacturing. Journal of Computational Vision and Imaging Systems, 7(1) (special issue, Proceedings of CVIS 2021), 28--30. (2022).
Mukhmeet Singh, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, Tool Positioning in Five Axis Machining on a Tensor Product Surface using Circular Rays, in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 122, pg 2887-2898, September, 2022
Read only copy
Author's Accepted Manuscript version


Mukhmeet Singh, Jerry Qu, Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, `A new approach to find gouge free tool positions for a toroidal cutter for Bezier surfaces in five-axis machining'', in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 117, Vol 9-10, pg 3053-3062, 2021
Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, ``Numerical implementation of drop spin and tilt method for five-axis tool positioning for tensor product surfaces'', in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 115, pg 2001-2016, 2021


Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Mukhmeet Singh, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, ``Multipoint tool positioning of a toroidal end mill for five-axis machining of generalized tensor product Bezier surfaces'', in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 110, pg 495--503, 2020,
Ilarion Kvinevskiy, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, ``Detecting machine chatter using audio data and machine learning.'', in the Internation Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 108, pg 3707--3716, 2020,
DOI 10.1007/s00170-020-05571-9
Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, ``Five-Axis Tool Positioning of a Toroidal End Mill Tool Near Common Edge Between Two Intersecting Surfaces'', in the Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Volume 17, No 4, July 2020, Pg 699-715


Jayme Vaz and Stephen Mann, ``On the Clifford Algebraic Description of the Geometry of a 3D Euclidean Space," arXiv, August 2019.
Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, ``A multipoint tool positioning method for five-axis machining in the region of two intersecting tensor product Bezier surfaces'', in the International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Volume 142, July 2019, Pg 42-53.
Tyler Nowicki, William Cowan, Stephen Mann, ``Analysis of Speed in Traditional Animation'', Graphics Interface 2019, 8 pages. DOI 10.20380/GI2019.25
Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, and Stephen Mann, ``A method for generating multiple solutions for multipoint five-axis tool positioning'', in the Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 100(9-12), 2509-2520. February, 2019. DOI 10.1007/s00170-018-2871-3 read only version


Jayme Vaz and Stephen Mann, ``Paravectors and the Geometry of 3D Euclidean Space'', in the Journal of Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Vol 28, November, 2018. DOI 10.1007/s00006-018-0916-1
(read only version)
Jayme Vaz and Stephen Mann, ``DKP algebra, DKP equation, and differential forms'', in the Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol 59, No 8, August, 2018. DOI 10.1063/1.5046936
Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, ``An efficient multipoint 5-axis tool positioning method for tensor product surfaces'', (read only version), in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 97(1), 279-295. July, 2018. DOI 10.1007/s00170-018-1940-y
Sumit Sood, Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, and Stephen Mann, ``3D representation and CNC machining of 2D digital images,'' in the Proceedings of the 46th SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference, NAMRC 46, June 2018. Also in Procedia Manufacturing 26 (2018) 10--20.
Xiang Fang, Stephen Mann, ``A Quartic Clough-Tocher Interpolant'',, in the GRAPP 2018 Conference Proceedings, pg 199-206. DOI:10.5220/0006547201990206
Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, ``Numerical implementation of drop and tilt method of five-axis tool positioning for tensor product surfaces'', (read only version), in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, January 2018, Vol 95, 1-4, pages 219-232, DOI 10.1007/s00170-017-1193-1


Juan Du, Ron Goldman, and Stephen Mann, Modeling 3D Geometry in the Clifford Algebra R(4,4), in the Journal of Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. December 2017, Vol 27, No 4, pp 3039--3062. July 2017. DOI 10.1007/s00006-017-0798-7
Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, ``Drop and tilt method of five-axis tool positioning for tensor product surfaces'', (read only version), in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, October 2017, Vol 93, 1-4, pages 617-622, DOI 10.1007/s00170-017-0548-y


Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, Ajay Batish, Stephen Mann, ``The edge-torus tangency problem in multipoint machining of triangulated surface models'', in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, February 2016, Vol 82, No 9, pp 1959--1972. DOI 10.1007/s00170-015-7532-1


Ravinder Duvedi, Ajay Batish, Sanjeev Bedi and Stephen Mann, ``Scallop Height of 5-axis Machining of Large Triangles with a Flat End Mill'', in Computer-Aided Design and Applications. April 2015, Vol 12, No 6, pg 710--716.
Alex Pytel and Stephen Mann , ``Procedural Modeling of Cave-like Channels'' in the Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques. May 2015, Vol 4, No 2, pg 10-29.
Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, Ajay Batish, and Stephen Mann , ``Numeric implementation of drop and tilt method of 5-axis tool positioning for machining of triangulated surfaces.'' in the Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. June 2015, Vol 78, No 9-12, pg 1677-1690 DOI 10.1007/s00170-014-6636-3
Ron Goldman and Stephen Mann, ``R(4, 4) As a Computational Framework for 3-Dimensional Computer Graphics'' in the Journal of Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. Vol 25, No 1, pg 113-149. DOI 10.1007/s00006-014-0480-2


Ravinder Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, Ajay Batish, Stephen Mann, ``A multipoint method for 5-axis machining of triangulated surface models,'' in Journal for Computer-Aided Design, Vol 52, Jul 2014, pg 17--26. DOI 10.1016/j.cad.2014.02.008
Ron Goldman, Stephen Mann, Xiaohong Jia, ``Computing Perspective Projections in 3-Dimensions using Rotors in the Homogeneous and Conformal Models of Clifford Algebra,'' in the Journal of Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. DOI 10.1007/s00006-014-0439-3
Gerardo Salas Bolanos, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, A topological-free method for three-axis tool path planning for generalized radiused end milled cutting of a triangular mesh surface, in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 70, No 9, Feb 2014, pg 1813--1825. DOI 10.1007/s00170-013-5450-7


Stuart Pollock and Stephen Mann, ``Vortex Detection in Vector Fields Using Geometric Algebra,'' in the Journal of Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras. Online. DOI 10.1007/s00006-013-0434-0.
Alex Pytel and Stephen Mann, ``Self-Organized Approach to Modeling Hydraulic Erosion Features,'' in the Journal of Computers and Graphics, special issue on Procedural Modeling, Vol 37, No 4. 2013. Pg 280--292. DOI 10.1016/j.cag.2013.01.006
Abedallah Rababah and Stephen Mann, ``Linear Methods for G^1, G^2, and G^3-Multi-Degree Reduction of Bézier Curves,'' in the Journal of Computer-Aided Design, Volume 45, Number 2, 2013, Pages 405-414. DOI 10.1016/j.cad.2012.10.023


Chenggang Li, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann. ``NURBS approximation to the flank-milled surface swept by a cylindrical NC tool'' in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 61, No 1, 2012. Pg 35-51. (Published online on July 17, 2007; DOI: 10.1007/s00170-011-3712-9)
Xinling Chen, Michael McCool, Asanobu Nitamoto, Stephen Mann, ``Embroidery Modelling and Rendering,'' in Graphics Interfaces 2012 proceedings.
Stuart Pollock and Stephen Mann, ``Vortex Detection in Vector Fields Using Geometric Algebra,'' 12 pages. Distributed on a USB key at the AGACSE 2012 conference but not otherwise published. An extended version of this paper has been submitted for publication.
Stephen Mann, ``Coordinate Free Perspective Projection of Points in the Conformal Model Using Transversions,'' 9 pages. Distributed on a USB key at the AGACSE 2012 conference but not otherwise published. An extended version of this paper has been submitted for publication joint with Ron Goldman and Xiaohong Jia.


Gilad Israeli, Stephen Mann, Sanjeev Bedi, Ajayinder Singh Jawanda, Numerical Verification of CNC Machine Simulations, in Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Volume 8, Number 4, 2011, Pages 507-518.
Abedallah Rababah and Stephen Mann, ``Iterative process for G^2-multi degree reduction Bézier curves.'' In Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 217, Number 20, June 2011. Pg 8126-8133.


Stephen Mann, ``Extending the A-Patch single sheet conditions to enable the tessellation of algebraics.'' In the proceedings for the ACM/SIAM Solid and Physical Modeling Conference, 2009.
Stephen Mann, Sanjeev Bedi, Gilad Israeli, and Xiaoran Zhou, ``Machine Models and Tool Motions for Simulating 5-Axis Machining,'', Computer-Aided Design, Vol 42, No 3, March 2010, pg 231-237.


Gerardo Salas Bolanos, Stephen Mann and Sanjeev Bedi, ``Targeted WebCAD,'' in Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Volume 6, Number 5, pg 639--644.
Alex Kalaidjian, Craig S. Kaplan, and Stephen Mann, Automated landscape painting in the style of Bob Ross, in Computational Aesthetics 2009, pg 115-122.
Curtis Luk and Stephen Mann, ``Tessellating Algebraic Curves and Surfaces Using A-Patches,'' in the GRAPP 2009 Conference Proceedings. 8 pages.


Elodie Fourquet, William Cowan, Stephen Mann, ``Geometric Displacement on Plane and Sphere,'' in Graphics Interface 2008.
Chenggang Li, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann. ``Accuracy Improvement Method for Flank Milling Surface Design,'' in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol 38, No 3--4, 2008. Pg 218--228. (Published online on July 17, 2007; DOI 10.1007/s00170-007-1092-y.)
Chenggang Li, Sanjeev Bedi, and Stephen Mann ``Flank Millable Surface Design with Conical and Barrel Tools,'' in CADA, 5(1-4), 2008, pp 461-470.
Yingbin Liu and Stephen Mann, ``Parametric Triangular Bézier Surface Interpolation with Approximate Continuity,'' in SPM 08.
Yingbin Liu, Stephen Mann: Approximate G1 Cubic Surfaces for Data Approximation. GRAPP 2008: 39-44


Nick P. Manos, Sanjeev Bedi, Dan Miller, and Stephen Mann, ``Single Controlled Axis Lathe Mill'', in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2007, volume 32, no 1-2, pages 55-65.
Chenggang Li, Stephen Mann, and Sanjeev Bedi, ``Flank Millable Surfaces Generated via Polynomial Composition,'' in CADA, 4(1-4), 2007, pp 41-48.
Fourquet, E., Cowan, W., and Mann, S. 2007. On the empirical limits of billboard rotation. In Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (Tubingen, Germany, July 25 - 27, 2007). APGV '07, vol. 253. ACM, New York, NY, 49-56. DOI=
Yingbin Liu and Stephen Mann, ``Approximate Continuity for Parameteric Bézier Patches,'' in SPM 07. 315-321.
Chenggang Li, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann. Flank milling surface design in 5-axis machining. In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Machining Systems, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. March, 2007.


Chenggang Li, Sanjeev Bedi, and Stephen Mann, ``Flank milling of ruled surfaces with conical tools -- an optimization approach,'' in Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, August 2006, Vol 29, pages 1115-1124. DOI 10.1007/s00170-005-0002-4
Celine Latulipe, Stephen Mann, Charles L. A. Clarke and Craig S. Kaplan, ``symSpline: Symmetric Two-Handed Spline Manipulation,'' in CHI 2006 Conference Proceedings. 10 pages.


Paul Gray, Gilbert Poon, Gilad Israeli, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann and Dan Miller, ``Model to Part: A roadmap for the CNC machine of the future", in AMST 2005 7th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, CISM Courses and Lectures No. 486, Springer Wien New York, 2005, pages 247-256.
Chenggang Li, Stephen Mann, and Sanjeev Bedi, ``Error Measurement for Flank Milling,'' in Computer-Aided Design, Vol 37, No 14, December 2005.


Cornelia Menzel, Sanjeev, Bedi, Stephen Mann, ``Triple tangent flank milling of ruled surfaces,'' in Computer-Aided Design, Vol 36, No 3, March 2004.
Ron Goldman and Stephen Mann, ``Counting Pruned Bézier Curves,'' in Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces: Tromso 2004. pages 169-178.
Christopher K. Ingram and Stephen Mann, ``Geometric B-Splines Over Triangular Domains,'' in "Geometric Design and Computing" (Seattle '03).
Craig Kaplan, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, Gilad Israeli, and Gilbert Poon, A New Paradigm for Woodworking with NC Machines in CAD '04 Conference (published in The Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol 1, pg 217-222).


Selina Siu and Stephen Mann, ``Computer Aided Ferret Design,'' in GMAG'03 proceedings.
Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, and Cornelia Menzel, Flank Milling with Flat End Milling Cutters, in Computer-Aided Design, Vol 35, 2003.
Rick Leung and Stephen Mann, ``Distortion minimization and continuity preservation in surface pasting,'' in the proceedings of Graphics Interfaces 2003.


Adjusting Control Points to Achieve Continuity, in Computer Aided Geometric Design, 19 (2002). (preprint).
Generalization of the Imprint Method to General Surfaces of Revolution for NC Machining (with Sanjeev Bedi), Computer-Aided Design, Vol 34, No 5, April 2002. Preprint version
Stephen Mann and Alyn Rockwood, Computing Singularities of 3D Vector Fields with Geometric Algebra in IEEE Visualization 2002.
Leo Dorst and Stephen Mann, ``Geometric algebra: a computation framework for geometrical applications,'' part I (algebra) and part II (applications) , in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, May/June and July/August, 2002.


Stephen Mann, Leo Dorst, and Tim Bouma, The Making of GABLE, a Geometric Algebra Learning Environment in Matlab,. In Advances in Geometric Algebra with Applications in Science and Engineering, editors: E. Bayro-Corrochano and G. Sobczyk publisher: Birkhäuser, 2001.
Marryat Ma and Stephen Mann, Multiresolution Editing of Pasted Surfaces, in Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, Oslo, 2000, 2001.
Surface Swept by a Toroidal Cutter During 5-axis Machining, (with David Roth, Sanjeev Bedi, and Fathy Ismail), Computer-Aided Design. Vol 33, January 2001.
Cylindrical Surface Pasting (with Teresa Yeung), in Geometric Modeling, Springer-Wein, 2001.


Blair Conrad and Stephen Mann, Better Pasting Via Quasi-Intepolation, in Curve and Surface Design: Saint-Malo, 1999, Vanderbilt University Press, 2000.


Cubic precision Clough-Tocher interpolation, CAGD, Vol 16, No 2, February 1999. Preprint version


Stephen Mann, An Improved Side-Vertex Triangle Mesh Interpolant, in the Graphics Interface '98 Proceedings, 1998, pp 35-42.
Matthew Davidchuk and Stephen Mann, A Parameteric Hybrid Triangular Bézier Patch, in Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces II, M. Daehlen, T. Lyche, L. Schumaker (eds), 1998, pp 335-342.
See also Matthew's thesis (listed below).


Wayne Liu and Stephen Mann, ``An Optimal Algorithm for Expanding the Composition of Polynomials,'' ACM TOG, April, 1997.
Donald Dragomatz and Stephen Mann, "A Classified Bibliography of Literature on NC Tool Path Generation," Computer-Aided Design, Vol 29, No 3, March 1997. Preprint version
Leith Chan, Stephen Mann, Richard Bartels, World Space Surface Pasting, in the Graphics Interface '97 Proceedings. pdf
Michael Nidd, Stephen Mann, and Jay Black, Using Cone-tracing for Signal Strength Prediction in Indoor Wireless Networks, IEEE VTC '97.
Stephen Mann, Algorithms from Blossoms, in Curves and Surfaces with Applications in CAGD, A. Mehaute, C. Rabut, L. Schumaker (eds), 1997 pp 287-294.
(see Research Report CS-96-29, listed below).


Wayne Liu and Stephen Mann ``Programming Support for Blossoming'', in the Graphics Interface '96 Conference Proceedings.


Stephen Mann and Tony DeRose, ``Computing Values and Derivatives of Bézier and B-spline Tensor Products'' Computer Aided Geometric Design Vol 12, No 1, February 1995. Preprint version
Stephen Mann, ``Using Local Optimization in Surface Fitting,'' in Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces, M. Daehlen, T. Lyche and L. Schumaker (eds), Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, 1995.


Tony DeRose, Ronald Goldman, Hans Hagen, and Stephen Mann, ``Functional Composition via Blossoming'' PDF ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 12, No. 2, April 1993.


Michael Lounsberry, Stephen Mann and Tony DeRose, ``Parametric Surface Interpolation'', in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, September 1992.


Dan Baum, Stephen Mann, Kevin Smith, and James Winget, ``Making Radiosity Usable,'' SIGGRAPH 1991.
Michael Lounsbery, Charles Loop, Stephen Mann, David Meyers, James Painter, Tony DeRose and Kenneth Sloan, ``A Testbed for the Comparison of Parametric Surface Methods,'' in the proceedings of SPIE/SPSE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, Santa Clara, CA, February, 1990.

Short publications and Posters

Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Ravinder Kumar Duvedi, Sanjeev Bedi, Stephen Mann, ``Five-Axis Tool Positioning of a Toroidal End Mill Tool Near Common Edge Between Two Intersecting Surfaces '', extended abstract, in the Proceedings of CAD'19, June 2019, Pg 75-79.
Xiang Fang and Stephen Mann, Parameteric interpolation scheme based on boundary Blending, Graphics Interface 2019.
Poster received Best Poster Award.
Gudrun Albrecht, Daniel Gonsor, Thomas J. Peters, and Stephen Mann, Geometric Design: Visualization and Representation SIAM News, December 2011.
Xinling Chen, Michael McCool, Stephen Mann, and Asanobu Kitamoto, Embroidery Modeling and Rendering in Real Time SIGGRAPH, 2011.
Alex Pytel and Stephen Mann, Self-Organized Approach to Modeling Hydraulic Erosion Features Graphics Interface Conference, 2011.
Stephen Mann, Extending the A-Patch single sheet conditions to enable the tessellation of algebraics SPM, 2009.
Curtik Luk and Stephen Mann, Tessellating Algebraic Surfaces Using A-Patches Graphics Interface Conference, 2007
Elodie Fourquet, William Cowan, and Stephen Mann, A Perception Experiment on Rotated Billboards Graphics Interface Conference, 2007
Alex Kalaidjian, Craig Kaplan, and Stephen Mann, Automated Landscape Painting in the Style of Bob Ross Graphics Interface Conference, 2007
Elodie Fourquet, William Cowan, and Stephen Mann, ``Multiple perspectives in computer graphics: arguments from perceptual grouping and renaissance art'', poster abstract, in Proceedings of the 3rd symposium on Applied perception in graphics and visualization, 2006, pages 154.
Poster received Best Poster Award.
Yingbin Liu and Stephen Mann Approximate Continuity for Parametric, Triangular Bézier Surfaces Graphics Interface Conference, 2006
Curtis Luk and Stephen Mann Tessellating Algebraic Curves Using A-Patches Graphics Interface Conference, 2006
Mark Belcarz and Stephen Mann Isophotes of Approximately Continuous Surfaces Graphics Interface Conference, 2006
Yingbin Liu and Stephen Mann Approximate Continuity for Parametric, Triangular Bézier Surfaces Graphics Interface Conference, 2005
Stephen Mann, Criag Kaplan, Sanjeev Bedi, Gilad Israeli, and Gilbert Poon, Computer Assisted Woodworking Graphics Interface Conference, 2004
Stephen Mann, Quentin Playfair, and Tom King, Computer Aided Violin Design SIAM Geometric Design Conference, 2003
Stephen Mann, Sanjeev Bedi, and David Roth, The Swept Surface of an Elliptic Cylinder, poster abstract for ACM Solid Modeling, 2001. Based on an unpublished short paper
Marryat Ma and Stephen Mann, Multiresolution Editing of Pasted Surfaces, Graphics Interface Conference, 2000
Blair Conrad and Stephen Mann Better Pasting Through Quasi-Interpolation, Eurographics Conference, 1999

Technical Reports

Supervised Publications

The following are publications of work I supervised.

Dead-Paper Box

The following are papers that I have either withdrawn from publication, or are "resting" while I reconsider some of the ideas. I have made them available because there are interesting ideas in these papers. [UP] Up one level.