Errata for A Blossoming Approach to Splines
Last Updated: March 12, 2020
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- pg 18 - Exercises 2 and 3. The polynomial should be
F(x) = x3+x2+x+1
- pg 22 - Example 2.4 should say
- and we construct f(u̅1, u̅2, u̅3) by blossoming each term:
- pg 26 - first sentence of second paragraph is missing the
period at the end of the sentence.
- pg 29 - The proof is incorrect in the last step when it
cancels an f* term with a g* term. A double inductive
proof is required, on i (the derivative) and l (the l in
the proof).
- pg 32 - Figure 2.9. Second row from bottom, last node should
be labled f*(1̅,δ,δ)
- pg 40 - Both figures:
- left f(t_1,t_2,t) should be f(t_2,t,t)
- right f(t_1,t_2,t) should be f(t_3,t,t)
- pg 50 - Knot vector in paragraph about the
Oslo algorithm should not have a minus sign in
front of u_4.
- pg 50 - In the paragarph about the Oslo algorithm,
only the left edge gives us control points; the
right edge does not.
- pg 52 - Ni0(u) should be
defined to be 1 if ui-1<= u < u
(i.e., there should be "<=" on one side of u
and "<" on the other side).
- pg 55, 3rd line of first paragraph, "we see the a single..."
should be "we see the single..."
- pg 59, end of next to last paragraph. The interval should be
[tn-1, tL+n-1]
- pg 65 - two summations at bottom of page - neither
one should have an n on top of the sum.
- pg 75 - Section 4.1.8, first line of pseudo-code for
first algorithm
should be
for i:=0 to n-1 do
- pg 87 - the sum in the display equation should be
to s,t not n,m
Stephen Mann
University of Waterloo | School of Computer Science | 200 University Ave. W. | Waterloo, Ontario Canada | N2L 3G1
| 519.888.4567 |