Welcome to my blog...It's more of an occasional-random-quirky-thought blog or a check-out-this-cool-link blog than one of those this-is-what-i-had-for-breakfast-today-and-these-are-my-feelings-about-life blogs and it's definitely not one of those awful i'm-useful-and-have-important-things-to-say-and-i'm-contributing-to-society blogs. Enjoy.

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the official blog of
Dave Tompkins

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Well, my paper is almost done. It's been a real drain on me for the past few weeks. I wanted to post my link to the LaTeX Crib Sheet before I lost it.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Today is Jason Garber's birthday... Happy Birthday, Garb...

Jason was my best friend growing up: we went spent 17 years-ish together at the same schools, and he was the one who gave me my engineering iron ring. He claims we had a big fight in grade one and he picked me up and threw me in a garbage can, but I honestly don't remember that and my only memory is of his story telling... but it's very plausible and I'm fairly sure I deserved it. Jason once said he was "The worst grad student. Ever.", but I'm doing my best to out-do him (or does that make me the best grad student ever? You decide.)

Jason was on the Discovery channel earlier this year for his wind tunnel expertise, and I managed to TiVo it. I've been meaning to put it up on the net forever, so happy birthday: (click on the image to play... ~10MB file, <3 minutes long)

He also recently went down to look at the damage from hurricane Katrina. here is a (large) scan of a newspaper article on the trip, and here is his report on the trip.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
The State of Idaho passed a resolution re: the film Napoleon Dynamite. And just for the record, I'm with Henry M. Robert III... when drafting motions the whereas clauses should be short & sweet if used at all... not like this.
Monday, December 05, 2005
If you have 6 minutes to spare, I recommend the film: Balancing Point -- some segments are kinda weak, but others are "looc yrev yrev".