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Results from Main web retrieved at 08:54 (GMT)

Adrian Pepper`s Refuge for Abused Words Here I make notes about usage of words which I find particularly irksome. I especially hope to collect a list of words which...
Observations Regarding the Basic Principles for the University of Waterloo workplace human development/learning development...
Observations Regarding Debian/Ubuntu Apt Repository Access A useful but old link single/Debian Binary Package Building HOWTO...
Adrian Pepper`s Simple Quick Start Guide to Using Mailman Lists How to use this page View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME but replace the word LISTNAME with the actual...
BETA Adrian Pepper`s Simple Quick Start Guide to Using Mailman Lists How to use this page View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME but replace the word LISTNAME with...
Mailman Talk 2016/09/29 Moved to CscfStaffMeeting20160929MailmanTalk
Making a Samsung liveable Netbook Install wubi Ubuntu ubuntu/download ubuntu/windows...
Making a Samsung liveable Netbook; Cloning a Wubi Installation AdrianPepper 28 Jan 2013
Making a Samsung liveable Netbook; Upgrading to Ubuntu 12.04 AdrianPepper 28 Jan 2013
Minus Minus Minus Plus Page Title Usually you should have one, and only one, page title. START HIDDEN TEXT: END HIDDEN TEXT START HIDDEN TEXT: END HIDDEN START...
The Wonders and Horrors of ! ! ! : include another topic. E.g. ! Or ! (!) OR! ! (!!) ^ AdrianPepper 24 Oct 2008
(BEGIN AdrianPepperTemplateExample) AdrianPepperTemplateExample for Reference and use Just an Example for Reference and use by AdrianPepperTemplate. !...
Variables and Non variables Discovered by Various Means Anything here should be used with caution, unless you find other documentation for it somewhere. Variables...
CsOpsGroup Set GROUP .ClaytonTucker, .AdrianPepper, .CarolineKierstead, .DanBrown, .GangLu, .YiLee, .KateLarson, .DaveTompkins, .TracyDietrich, .ShoshannahHoldom...
FAQAGroup Set GROUP AdrianPepper Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE FAQAGroup Related topics: , TWikiGroups, .TWikiAccessControl StephenNickerson 22 March...
TWiki Site Statistics Monthly Site Statistics Data Month WebsTotal WebsViewed Websupdated TopicsTotal TopicsViewed TopicsUpdated Attach...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration. This will create an account for you which...
Number of topics: 19

Results from CF web retrieved at 08:54 (GMT)

Note \ These scripts are fine for setting up individual Ubuntu workstations, \ but, because they install ntp packages \ they should not currently (Apr 25,...
userinfo command Although the userinfo command is available for use by all users, with different results, the intended audience for this page is the group of...
Administrative Accounts Beneath /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/ in sub directories CLASSES CSCF School are files for describing various...
Flailing around trying to get a handle on psql here at UW DRCSCS CSCF Preliminaries to enable your connection and use To be filled in later. Connecting and looking...
Set CFADRIANGADGETINCLUDEY AdrianSandbox AdrianPepper 19 Mar 2010
CamelCase When two or more words are conjoined, with the start of each contained word capitalized, that is often called CamelCase. WikiWords are CamelCase. AdrianPepper...
Maintenance of SSL Certificate This page lists links to a number of pages I presented elsewhere with different subsets expanded. In the collapsed form here, readers...
openssl command The openssl command is available for use by all users. The intended audience for this page is system administrators who can submit requests...
openssl command degenerative examples The openssl command is available for use by all users. The intended audience for this page is system administrators who...
Certificate Updates Here we describe the procedures for updating SSL certificates for web servers (https), IMAP servers (imaps), and other similar services (Dawn/Adrian...
Course Account SSH Keys: CSCF Administration We use ssh and public keys to provide access to course accounts. We have deployed an automated tool to propagate ssh keys...
OBSOLETE has completely vanished. TWiki page history will remain for the really curious. AdrianPepper 05 Jan 2021
Maildir FAQ OBSOLETE has completely vanished. TWiki page history will remain for the really curious. AdrianPepper 05 Jan 2021
Migrating to maildir.cs OBSOLETE has completely vanished. TWiki page history will remain for the really curious. AdrianPepper 05 Jan...
Thunderbird mail account creation for maildir OBSOLETE has completely vanished. TWiki page history will remain for the really curious...
Setting up Email Sending with Postfix We have Linux servers that need to be able to send mail, but do not need to run an SMTP receiver. Install the postfix and...
EmailUndergradMailReset OBSOLETE This page content became truly irrelevant a number of years ago. TWiki page history will remain for the really curious. AdrianPepper...
Here we discuss what to do if a Researcher wishes to sponsor an account (`resources`) for an ex grad student. Graduate Students would previously have had resources...
FireFox Web Browser Mozilla Firefox Web Browser The Mozilla Firefox Web Browser is a free and open source web browser widely used at the University of Waterloo....
Tuning TIps for the Mozilla Firefox web browser Over the years, FireFox seems to have become increasingly greedy, and one can experience slowness and delays on less...
GlobalSign Certificate Authority GlobalSign Certificate Authority GlobalSign is a certified certificate authority that provides publicly trusted X.509 compliant SSL...
Grad Student Accounts Here we discuss the various accounts Grad students may get, attempting to demonstrate what happens automatically, and what manual supplementary...
Discussion of the Userids File for Experts The magic Userids file The `magic` Userids file, /software/accounts userids/data/Userids has its master copy maintained...
Experiments and Documentation relating to CFADRIANGADGETINCLUDE variable This page is useful for reference, but really documents why the mildly arcane CFADRIANGADGETINCLUDE...
Referers This topic is referred to by... Note: when I added multiple `off` parameter to the SEARCH, I think that`s the same as multiple `on`. AdrianPepper...
Some Relevant History of https AltNames To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Generating a CSR To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Generate a Certificate...
Generating a CSR specifying SANs To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Generating a New Private Key To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Generate...
Get Certificate from Web Page using Firefox To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Stunnel Certificate File Format To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
Xhier Certificate Location To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Certificate...
Receive Certificate To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Receive the...
Submit the CSR To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Need note or new...
Test SSL Imap Connection To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Testing...
Use the openssl Command to Test Certificate Installations To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed...
Test Web Server Certificate To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Testing...
Install Certificate To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates Installing...
Web and SMTP Certificate File Format To see how this inclusion page fits in with similar ones, perhaps see one of CertMaintenanceCollapsed CertificateUpdates...
sponsor resources and accounts client AdrianPepper 19 Mar 2010
Preliminary Notes About Sponsors Data; Creating Userids Creating Truly New Users (Userids) Before you can use the sponsors data software to create new accounts for...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/CLASSES CLASSES/ CLASSES/ files under ClASSES allocate resources for instructors and instructional...
CSCF/ CSCF/ files under CSCF facilitate the computing facility CSCF/admin administrative assistant staff, and many mailing lists CSCF/consulting this...
Sponsors Data Directory Organization Note that in the case of any discrepency between what is stated here. and what is the actual case on the UNIX computer...
REGISTRAR/ REGISTRAR/ files under REGISTRAR `automatically` sponsor resources, based on data received from the registrar`s office REGISTRAR/.DATA/ Don...
REGISTRAR YYYYMM/ REGISTRAR YYYYMM/ Files under REGISTRAR YYYYMM , e.g. REGISTRAR 201001 implement the predictable long term expiry of sponsored resources...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/Research Research/ Research/ files under Research correspond to an individual researcher or research...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/School School/ School/ files under School are for non teaching resource requirements School/Away...
Needed at start of standard table describing portion of sponsors data directory Directory/File NamePurpose Sample Column 1Sample Column 2 AdrianPepper 26 Oct...
Explanation of /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/ top There are no files to edit at the top level. There are directories which are recursively processed...
Traditional Sponsors Data Documentation Documentation The following traditional UNIX man page documentation describes the sponsors data base in a technical fashion...
Cautionary Notes About Editing the Sponsors Data Cautionary Notes About Editing the Sponsors Data In general you should avoid making easy to make mistakes....
Sponsors Data Editing RCS Checkin Use RCS ci command to unlock the file so others can edit it At this point you must use the RCS utility ci to save a record of...
Sponsors Data Editing RCS Use RCS co command to prepare file for editing All files in the sponsor data are now maintained using the RCS set of utilities. Before using...
Sponsors Data Editing Tutorial The central aspect of making any particular resource changes for any particular set of users defined by any criteria, is the editing...
Sponsors Data Id Numbers Notes about the ID number needed for sponsors data Even if a userid inherently has several ID numbers, there is only one which may be used...
Preliminary Sponsors Data Notes; Location Location of Accounts Sponsor files The accounts files for CS are on the UNIX computer cs xh admin.cs.private.uwaterloo...
Sponsors Data Run sponsor resources Before Making Changes Run sponsor resources before making changes While it is not strictly necessary, it seems a very wise practice...
General Preliminary Notes About Modifying Sponsors Data These notes relate to adding users to groups and servers using the Xhiered Accounts packages. This controls...
General Preliminary Notes About Modifying Sponsors Data Required authorization Users who need to update accounts need to be in group `sponsor` and group `accounts...
accounts client command Run the accounts client program accounts client {hostname, eg:cs general.cs.private} ~/hostname date This will cause the desired changes...
accounts master command Run the accounts master program to process the changes Note: everyone who runs the sponsor resources command should be aware that it is...
sponsor resources command Run the sponsor resources program to process the changes Note: everyone who runs the sponsor resources command should be aware that it...
userinfo command Run the userinfo program to verify your changes Run the userinfo command before and after you make your changes to verify that its output reflects...
Setting the password Setting the Password Once an account has been created or if someone forgets their password, the password for the account must be (re)set. For...
Email Replies to non Undergrads Email Replies to Expiry Inquiries From Users Who Are Not Undergraduate Students For Graduate CS students, these accounts expire on...
Sample Replies to Non undergraduate CS TEACHING users Sample Email Replies to Such Users It seems it might be helpful to have templates to address the common situation...
IntranetSSL Certificates See also OrganizationSSL Strictly speaking, either OrganizationSSL or IntranetSSL intermediate certificates will be used to create a chain...
Please use the eduroam installer for all newer version of ubuntu Download it from: Using UW Wireless (eduroam) under Ubuntu 10.10 To...
Starting Points for CSCF non twiki LXC documentation up LinuX Containers (LXC) CS Container...
Managing an IST Mailman Mailing List Setting up the mailing list This needs to be done by someone on IST staff That is, submit an IST RT or equivalent...
Adrian Pepper`s Simple Quick Start Guide to Using Mailman Lists (rendered for `` list) How to use this page View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME but replace the...
Adrian Pepper`s Guide to Mailman List Listinfo Maintenance (rendered for `` list) Authenticate as adminstrator for a list, and then view this page as https:/...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation (rendered for `` list) Preface I was actually hoping to find a link to someone else`s description...
AdrianPepper 2015 12 14 Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Accept (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Accept Page2 (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Defer (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Discard (rendered for `` list) Discussion of the Discard option Discard is, unfortunately, actually...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Discard Page 2 (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the first Moderation...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Done (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the other Moderation pages. Once...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Instructions (rendered for `` list) You should read this page read after the other Moderation pages...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Reject (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see at...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List Moderation, Reject Page2 (rendered for `` list) The following represents the web page you may sometimes see...
\ This page is not part of the MailManManagementGuide structure. \ It is, in general wiki tradition, labelled as Sandbox because \ it is used as a place to develop...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List (Nearly) All Options (rendered for `` list) Preface The designers of mailman provide many other options to...
Adrian Pepper`s Quick Start Guide to Mailman List General Options (rendered for `` list) Preface The designers of mailman provide a page of general options to...
Using Curl to Change Settings in Mailman Lists (rendered for `` list) How to use this page View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME but replace the word LISTNAME...
Enumerated Mailman Management Links (rendered for `` list) Reminder View this page as ?mmlist LISTNAME But replace the word LISTNAME with the actual name for...
Non Registrar Sponsored Accounts Files under the directory /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/ but outside of the directory /software/accounts master/data...
OrganizationSSL Certificates See also IntranetSSL Strictly speaking, either OrganizationSSL or IntranetSSL intermediate certificates will be used to create a chain...
GlobalSign OrganizationSSL Certificate (Obsolescent Version) GlobalSign OrganizationSSL Intermediate Root Certificate (Obsolescent Version) Prior to mid 2011, GlobalSign...
This will probably never be made to work again. For now, you can look to see if the topic referenced is in SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig. Perhaps SponsorsDataAccountsDocumenta...
Registrar Sponsored Accounts The accounts master command causes the directory /software/accounts master/data/sponsors/REGISTRAR/.DATA to be filled with files whose...
Creating a Sponsors File for a New Researcher Here we will document the setting up of sponsors data configuration for newly arriving faculty member by using a fictional...
Apache Certificate Authority File Apache Certificate Authority File The Apache Certificate Authority File /software/sslCerts 1/config/certs/cacert.pem is a...
Apache Certificate Chain File Apache Certificate Chain File An Apache Certificate Chain File as set by the configuration file variable SSLCertificateChainFile...
Apache Certificate File Apache Certificate File An Apache Certificate File as set by the configuration file variable SSLCertificateFile usually contains...
Sendmail Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier context) This will contain information about how to configure server and client machines which use versions of the sendmail...
Sendmail Client Machine Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) Any machine which does not accept SMTP connections and uses another machine as a mail hub is considered...
General Sendmail Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) In general a software package named sendmail will reside under /software/sendmail (which will be a symbolic...
Sendmail Server Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) Files of interest are: /.software/regional/sendmail 8.13/config/regional/options /.software/local...
Sendmail Server Greylist Configuration (in the CSCF Xhier Context) File of interest is: /.software/regional/sendmail 8.13/config/regional/greylist.conf In both...
SWAG lab DC2555G Background A list of people involved with SWAG can be found here: Most PCs are named swagxx, and currently...
Sponsors Data The hierarchical text files under the directory /software/accounts master/data/sponsors on the machine cs xh are a...
Giant Sponsors Database Historical Documentation Page Most readers who end up here should go straight to SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBigPruned instead. Perhaps...
Giant Sponsors Database Historical Documentation Page (Pruned) Working from SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig as a start, we attempt to indicate sections which...
Raw Sponsors Data Accounts Documentation This no longer works well. (at all) Perhaps see... SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBig SponsorsDataAccountsDocumentationBigPruned...
# Sponsors Data Overview This is a `backup` copy. The original is currently available at Please...
(Disabled) accounts check ! equipment database ! sponsors database ! list equipment ! accounts master package ! accounts client command ! AdrianPepper...
Sponsors Data Directory Admin Organization Note that in the case of any discrepency between what is stated here. and what is the actual case on the UNIX computer...
Mistakes to Avoid in Sponsors Data Editing There are mistakes, many of which could be termed silly, which should be avoided when editing the sponsors data . It...
AdrianPepper`s List of Mistakes to Avoid in Sponsors Data Editing ## (Don`t) omit units for disk quota The default unit for disk quota is K or around 1000 bytes...
Sponsors Data Editing Tutorial The central aspect of making any particular resource changes for any particular set of users defined by any criteria, is the editing...
Information about Userids in the Sponsors Data On an AssignTo line you list a number of userids. To help detect errors, id numbers need to be associated...
Sponsors Data Accounts Maintenance in general (Linking Version) When initially created, this page presented the same information as TemplateSponsorDataAccounts...
Using dpkg and apt facilities (mostly under Ubuntu) dpkg and related command examples Perhaps also see: command examples/ for...
UbuntuFakeroot Summary (from man page) fakeroot run a command in an environment faking root privileges for file manipulation Prerequisites sudo apt get...
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning See man 5 proc and then in particular man 7 inotify . A demo was produced and presented which indicates how crucial tuning these parameters...
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning Demo 20191025 Or how something seemingly perplexing can devolve into something trivial I almost cancelled this as being too trivial. However...
UbuntuInotifyTuningDemo20191025Images 132438 hung demos with tail diagnostic 173054 my current laptop inotify settings 173156 set to default settings and show them...
Ubuntu Inotify Tuning Demo 20191025 Or how something seemingly perplexing can devolve into something trivial I almost cancelled this as being too trivial. However...
Ubuntu Kernel Tuning In progress See man 5 proc and the many man pages it refers to. UbuntuInotifyTuning UbuntuInotifyTuningDemo20191025 AdrianPepper...
Undergraduate Accounts Here we discuss the accounts Undergraduate students get, attempting to demonstrate what happens automatically, and what manual supplementary...
Statistics for CF Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Make Dovecot Work for You Installing dovecot on your personal ubuntu machine arpepper@cscfpc20:~$ sudo apt get install dovecot imapd Checking the version of dovecot...
Would Be Trash (for the CF Twiki) The Trash web seems broken. We can use this place to parent pages before actually deleting (probably from the filesystem server side...
Number of topics: 126

Results from Sandbox web retrieved at 08:54 (GMT) en source hp q lyrics my old man dustman AdrianPepper 10 Oct 2006 Created using my PDA. Try to delete pages by including a delete...
Statistics for Sandbox Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Number of topics: 2

Results from TWiki web retrieved at 08:54 (GMT)

Statistics for TWiki Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top viewers: Top contributors...
Number of topics: 1

Results from TestNewSandbox web retrieved at 08:54 (GMT) en source hp q lyrics my old man dustman AdrianPepper 10 Oct 2006 Created using my PDA. Try to delete pages by including a delete...
Statistics for TestNewSandbox Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic...
Number of topics: 2

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