Minus Minus Minus Plus - Page Title

Usually you should have one, and only one, page title.




START HTML: This is HTML which should be able to include multi-line tags. CS home page END HTML

Text can be entered as paragraphs. Newlines allowed. A double newline ends the paragraph. Welcome to the a page in TWiki.Main. Links like http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~arpepper get hyper-linked automatically. Confidential material should go in the CFPrivate web (but keep in mind that no webserver can be guaranteed to be invulnerable to security issues).

Minus Minus Minus Plus Plus - Section

Use that for a section header. Checkout the Mozilla/Firefox Extension that allows you to configure your favourite editor to edit text boxes. See MozillaMozex

Definition: In a more general context the term account would tend imply the reckoning of a monetary balance, often with a history of credits and debits. In relation to computers, however account is often used to refer to the login userid which works for some particular computer system whether or not any money is involved. To make things complicated, some software involved with login userid maintenance actually does allow for the use of related monetary accounts.


% introduces variables. Variables can apparently be escaped by either !%TOPIC%, as advertized, or %<nop>TOPIC% which seems to be necessary, at least sometimes, if multiple variables occur in a single word.

Useful and Not-so Useful Variables

See also certain other variables I discovered mostly by means other than reading the documentation. Although there's a deceptively shorter list somewhere else, much but not all of what I dicovered there, is at TWikiVariables. See also TWikiDocGraphics.

  • %TWIKIWEB% expands into the current twiki, currently TWiki.
  • %WEB% expands into the current web, currently Main.
  • %TOPIC% expands into the current topic title, currently AdrianPepperTemplate; you can add relative subtopics that way, e.g. %TOPIC%Example, AdrianPepperTemplateExample
  • %ATTACHURL% : attachment URL of the current topic. E.g. %ATTACHURL%/image.gif to show image.gif.
  • %SEARCH{"sushi"}% : include a search result(!)
  • %URLPARAM% E.g. %URLPARAM{"example"}% to show ?example=value of
  • %INCLUDE{"SomeTopic"}% : include another topic. E.g. %INCLUDE{"AdrianPepperTemplateExample"}%
(BEGIN AdrianPepperTemplateExample)

AdrianPepperTemplateExample for Reference and use

-- AdrianPepper - 24 Oct 2008

(END AdrianPepperTemplateExample)

Table of Contents

%TOC% can be used to generate a table-of-contents, as in...

Starting points for topics included within this web

  • CscfSpecific: CSCF-specific content (should not exists, that is, all content should be in this page)

Abuse and Security Incident Response (link to CFPrivate)

Accounts/Authentication Management

More Complex Links

Bug reporting and Processing


Computing Environments


Email Setup

File Services

Management and Administration

News items of interest to MFCF/CSCF staff

See News.

Information on who can read and write on this web

  • WhoCanReadWrite - this describes who can read these pages and update them. Are these pages accessible to Google?

Site Tools of the Main Web


The director or the new employee's manager should announce in advance to the existing employees that the new person arrives on such and such a date. Included should be some background information -- who the new person will work for, what their particular job is, where they came from, for example.

UWDir entry

If they do not already have a UWdir ID, Jennifer Keir can get that setup. She will need their SIN and birth date.


If an appropriate picture isn't available, make an appoint with Graphic Services to have one taken. Or consider simply using the CSCF camera.

Access Privileges


Created needed accounts beforehand. Certainly on the cscf.cs and the core.cs environment, and if at all needed, on the student.cs environment. A general.math account is required to view the "Who's (Not) Here" page. Make sure that all but their "home" accounts have mail forwarded to their home account, e.g. by forwarding to @uwaterloo.ca, and having that forward to their home account.


See RTAddingStaffMember for information on adding a staff member to RT.


They should be added to the CSCF list of users. Follow the instructions in ~cs-adm/controls/README (or ask Isaac).

Internal WWW Pages

Most of the .htaccess files for internal WWW pages are maintained in www.cs:/software/wwwdata_cs.uwaterloo.ca/data/vhosts/cs/cscf/internal/htaccess/. The .htaccess file that controls access to the shared Who's (Not) Here pages resides on www.math.

External WWW Pages

Write access to WWW pages is determined by group membership in various groups, not all of which are predictable. For CS WWW pages, membership in group www_cscf is a good start. Depending upon the nature of the work to be done, membership in group www_cs is the next step. Membership in group www_cf on general.math is required to update WWW pages shared with MFCF.


Send an email to request@ist.

Inventory System

It's most likely inventory system access (see accounts@cs).

Paper Mail

Allocate a slot in the mailroom.

As They Arrrive

Public Documentation

Update staff listings. Update the campus phonebook.

Orientation Tour

Your manager will take you on a tour of the physical premises, including
  • the main CS office
  • the mailroom
  • printer rooms
  • CSCF machine rooms, and perhaps others
  • MC machine room and labs
  • DC Food Services, MC C&D

Your Colleagues

Your manager will introduce you to the rest of CSCF, and should you become a Point of Contact, to your clients. You can get an idea of CSCF stucture by consulting the Organizational Chart. In addition, if at all involved with teaching support, you'll be introduced to relevant MFCF staff, in particular, the Client Support Supervisor.

Additional Access Privileges

In addition to access mentioned above, new employees may, depending upon their duties, need
  • a "key fob", typically used to gain access to various rooms (IST configures these)
  • root access on cscf.cs or the core and student environments
  • a two-factor fob, e.g. SecurID (See Guoxiang)
  • cable lock combinations
  • the standard CSCF workstation login
  • ONA access
  • Maintain access

Reporting Procedures


Your manager/supervisor will meet with you on a regular basis. In the beginning, it may be quite frequently. Eventually, the schedule will be determined to best suit your (and your manager's) working style and needs, typically ranging from bi-weekly to twice weekly. Even daily is a possibility.


Roughly half way through the year, a simplified staff review is done, to be sure that everyone understands current performance and goals.

Annual Review

A formal review of work is done every year, usually by March, covering the previous calendar year.

Insurance, Health & Safety


See: http://www.safetyoffice.uwaterloo.ca/hse/chemicals/whmis/whmis.htm

Reference materials

-- AdrianPepper - 24 Oct 2008

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Topic revision: r6 - 2010-02-27 - AdrianPepper
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