Observations Regarding the Basic Principles for the University of Waterloo workplace

Note the note: Used under license from: https://www.millerheimangroup.com

The Basic Principles for the University of Waterloo workplace

  1. Focus on the situation, issue, or behaviour, not the person.

  2. Maintain the self-confidence and self-esteem of others.

  3. Maintain constructive relationships.

  4. Take initiative to make things better

  5. Lead by example.

  6. Think beyond the moment.

I claim a set of keywords or phrases related to those would help in rememberance. I claim it is best if the words chosen actually appear in the full version of the principle (as opposed to being a paraphrasing summary).

I suggest...

  1. Not the person.

  2. Self-esteem of others.

  3. Relationships.

  4. Initiative.

  5. Example.

  6. Beyond the moment.

The last one is actually easiest to remember because there seems to be some irony in the fact it was later added as an amendment.

-- AdrianPepper - 2018-06-05

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Topic revision: r2 - 2018-06-05 - AdrianPepper
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