Welcome to my CS 245 resources page. You will find all sorts of goodies here on logic and computation. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at a23gao AT uwaterloo DOT ca.
Happy learning!
Best, Alice
Introduction and Syntax
Structural Induction
See section 1.2.1 in the workbook solutions for a template for structural induction on well-formed propositional formulas
Tue Sept 17, 2019. Lectures 4 and 5. Introduction to Semantics
Thu Sept 19 and Tue Sept 24, 2019. Lecture 6. Tautological Consequence and Translations
Formal Deduction
Thu Sep 26, 2019 and Tue Oct 1, 2019. Lectures 7 and 8. Formal Deduction
Tue Oct 8, 2019. Lecture 10. Completeness of Formal Deduction
Introduction and Translations
Formal Deduction
Predicate Logic: Peano Arithmetic