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December 2, 2008:
On Wednesday, December 3rd, class will be held in the AI Lab (DC 2306C) starting at 10:00 am.

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Schedule (Subject To Change)




Sept 8

Introduction and Organization

Kate Larson

Sept 10

Intro to Game Theory

Kate Larson

Sept 15

Intro to Game Theory

Kate Larson

Sept 17

Computational Aspects of Game Theory

Eliminating weakly dominated strategies

Kate Larson

Sept 22

Game Representations

Multiagent influence diagrams for representing and solving games
Action Graph Games


Tyler Nowicki
Feng-Xuan Choo

Sept 24

Equilibria and Computation

Simple Search Methods for Finding a Nash Equilibrium
Lossless Abstraction of Imperfect Information Games


Georgia Kastidou
Fabien Benureau

Sept 29

Social Choice/Voting

Proof of Arrow's Theorem
Assignment 1 out.

Kate Larson

Oct 1

Social Choice/Voting

Junta Distributions and the Average-Case Complexity of Manipulating Elections
Rank Aggregation Methods for the Web


Jeremy Clark
Wanying Luo

Oct 6

Social Choice/Voting

Negotiating Socially Optimal Allocations of Resources
Clearing Algorithms for Barter Exchange Markets: Enabling Nationwide Kidney Exchanges


Marcus Shea
Hyunggu Jung

Oct 8

Mechanism Design

Assignment 1 due, in class.
Mechanism Design notes

Kate Larson

Oct 13

Thanksgiving: No class

Oct 15

Auctions I

Thirteen Reasons Why The Vickrey-Clarke-Groves Process is Not Practical

Kate Larson

Oct 20

Auctions II

Project Proposals Due

Kate Larson

Oct 22


Truth Revelation in Approximately Efficient Combinatorial Auctions
Algorithmic Mechanism Design


Muntasir Rahman
Adam Bains

Oct 27


Competitive Auctions
The Effect of False-name Bids in Combinatorial Auctions: New Fraud in Internet Auctions


Derek Wang
Wenjie Xiao

Oct 29

Cooperative Approaches

Assignment 2 posted.

Kate Larson

Nov 3

Coalition Formation and Stability

Manipulating the Quota in Weighted Voting Games


Sen Li

Nov 5

Introduction to Multiagent Learning

Background on MDPs
Background on single agent reinforcement learning

Kate Larson

Nov 10

Multiagent Learning

A General Criterion and an Algorithmic Framework for Learning in Multiagent Systems
Assignment 2 due.


Michael Lam

Nov 12

Multiagent Learning

R-MAX: A General Polynomial Time Algorithm for Near-Optimal Reinforcement Learning
Multiagent Learning with a Variable Learning Rate


Daniel Rasmussen
Igor Kiselev

Nov 17


Security Investment (failures) in Five Economic Environments: A Comparison of Homogenous and Heterogeneous User Agents
Playing Games for Security: An Efficient Exact Algorithm for Solving Bayesian Stackelberg Games


Qi Xie
Ying Liu

Nov 19


A Multiagent Approach to Autonomous Intersection Management
Negotiating with Bounded Rational Agents in Environments with Incomplete Information Using an Automated Agent


Lachlan Dufton
Stephane Bonardi

Nov 24


Common Voting Rules as Maximum Likelihood Estimators
Multiagent Graph Coloring: Pareto Efficiency, Fairness and Individual Rationality


Matthew Kay
Simina Branzei

Nov 26

Learning and Project Presentations

Nash Q-Learning for General-Sum Stochastic Games

Project Presentations:

Stephane, Jeremy, Daniel


Jakub Truszkowski

Dec 1

Project Presentations

Derek, Fabien, Marcus, Muntasir, Sen, Tyler, Wanying, Wenjie

Dec 3

Project Presentations

Adam, Cathy, Hyunggu, Igor, Jakub, Lachlan, Matthew, Michael, Qi, Xuan