
SchemaSpy Analysis of odyssey

Generated on Mon. Aug. 29 11:24 EDT 2022

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order
Constraints 251
Anomalies 26
Routines 0

Database Properties

Database Type: PostgreSQL - 9.5.24

Schema _quest

Quest Data: Tables for normal application use of Quest data


Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Type Comments
adm_std_language 0 2 2 148913 Table

A language fluency claimed by a student applicant

uw_grading_basis 7 0 2 41 Table

A possible grading basis for a course

std_term_section 0 11 12 11028345 Table
uw_course_level 1 0 2 38 Table

A possible course level for a course

adm_std_email 0 1 2 776823 Table

A contact email provided by an applicant

uw_room 2 4 11 1052 Table

A room in which events may be held

uw_condition_status 1 0 2 12 Table

A possible status for an admissions application condition

uw_program_action 5 0 2 29 Table

A possible action that can be applied to a student with respect to a program

adm_appl 8 5 14 1037258 Table
off_instruct_section_instructor 0 2 5 171642 Table
uw_test_type 1 0 4 43 Table

A type of external test that may be taken by an applicant

uw_ext_gpa_type 1 0 2 23 Table

A possible GPA type for a previous academic attendance

uw_building 2 2 5 59 Table

A building on campus as of the most recent update to that building

std_student 20 1 8 904825 Table
off_course_section 22 20 20 423783 Table

Classify a course attempt into one of {PASS, FAIL, IGNORE, UNKNOWN, UNPRODUCTIVE, COOP}.
Does not take into account Engineering SUPP rules.

pps_milestone 1 0 3 165 Table

A milestone that may be earned by a student

uw_country_citizenship 2 2 2 260 Table

A citizenship status valid for a country

off_course_section_reserve 3 4 7 70233 Table
off_default_note 1 2 5 60 Table
std_service_indicator 0 5 6 22395 Table
uw_facility_type 2 0 2 31 Table

A possible facility type for a room

uw_condition 1 0 2 515 Table

A possible condition that may be applied to an admissions application

std_degree_honour 0 3 5 48191 Table
adm_appl_program_history 5 11 13 3202554 Table
adm_std_test 0 5 8 905776 Table

A test component result reported for a student applicant

std_subplan_history 0 7 8 111149 Table
uw_adm_comment 1 0 2 74 Table

A possible comment type for an application

adm_std_academic_gpa 0 5 6 440406 Table

A GPA reported at a previous institution for an applicant

adm_std_academic 2 2 2 195186 Table

A previous institution attended by an applicant

off_course 2 1 4 356574 Table

A course enrolment section in which students may be registered and are all eligible to receive the same credit upon completion

uw_ext_term_type 1 0 2 8 Table

A possible term type for an external course

std_photo 0 0 4 180119 Table

The WatCard photo for the student

uw_enrolment_reason 1 0 2 18 Table

A possible student section enrolment reason

uw_program_status 7 0 2 12 Table

A possible status of a student in a program

uw_appl_method 1 0 2 9 Table

A possible method of application submission

uw_gender 1 0 2 12 Table

A possible gender value

std_term_subplan_gpa 0 3 7 3505 Table
adm_appl_study_agreement 0 6 7 180 Table
uw_ext_degree_status 1 0 2 8 Table

A possible status for a previous degree

uw_address_type 1 0 2 8 Table

A possible address type

uw_ext_term 1 0 2 4 Table

A possible term for an external course

adm_appl_referee 0 3 16 394475 Table

A referee named as part of an application

off_association 5 5 11 355633 Table
adm_appl_plan 6 6 7 3202912 Table
uw_unit 21 4 8 72 Table

An academic unit (department, school, or other unit) as of the most recent update to that unit in uw_unit_history

cal_requisite_history 2 0 6 13857 Table
pps_service_indicator_reason 2 1 6 158 Table
uw_ext_career 1 0 2 8 Table

A possible career for a previous academic attendance

off_course_section_note 0 3 5 39766 Table
std_plan_history 6 7 9 1865808 Table
adm_appl_program 12 6 13 1229663 Table
pps_service_indicator_impact 0 1 5 80 Table
std_term_course_demand 0 5 11 3293825 Table
adm_appl_program_financial_aid_history 0 4 8 334498 Table

A financial aid application as of a date

uw_ext_academic_level 2 0 2 76 Table

A possible academic level for an external course

off_course_as_of 4 3 3 233966 Table

Round the given numbers to integers in such a way that they still add up to the same integer

adm_appl_condition 0 4 4 366582 Table

An admission condition that applies to an application

uw_holiday_type 1 0 2 11 Table

A name that may be applied to a declared University holiday

pps_mtcu_level 1 0 2 3 Table

A possible MTCU level which may be associated with a plan type

pps_qualification_type 1 0 2 4 Table

A possible qualification type which may be associated with a plan type

update_run_notification 2 2 2 6692 Table

An expected notification associated with an import run

uw_program_reason 4 1 5 193 Table
off_default_note_history 2 0 5 211 Table
pps_degree_level 1 0 2 8 Table

A possible UW degree level which may be associated with a plan type

pps_term_award 1 0 4 103 Table

A term award that may be earned by a student

uw_date 26 2 6 25568 Table

A calendar date

std_transfer_credit_detail 0 7 22 207207 Table

Transfer credit details. Some corrections are done in ps_correction.sql upon load.

std_term_coop 0 1 4 387426 Table

Student term co-op activity

std_citizenship 0 4 3 1235962 Table

A student’s citizenship status with respect to a country

adm_appl_program_evaluation_cmp 0 5 7 17308386 Table

A specific value of an evaluation of an application

std_milestone 0 4 9 1030189 Table
std_term_course 0 6 17 7556262 Table
cal_course 14 2 10 16051 Table

A course as defined in the Calendar

cal_course_label_history 0 8 11 73024 Table
uw_enrolment_status 1 0 2 3 Table

A possible student section enrolment status

pps_standing_status 2 0 2 9 Table

A possible status which may be associated with a standing

uw_aid_category 0 0 2 25 Table

A possible category for a financial aid application

pps_degree 6 2 10 263 Table
uw_form_of_study 1 0 2 11 Table

A possible form of study

pps_subplan_history 3 4 11 3645 Table
std_term_program 2 9 13 2561046 Table
adm_appl_subplan 0 8 7 313913 Table
pps_service_indicator 2 0 6 50 Table
uw_location 7 3 5 135 Table

A location in which events may be held, as of the most recent update to that location in uw_location_history

pps_subplan_type 2 0 2 11 Table

A possible subplan type which may be associated with a subplan

std_term_plan 3 4 6 2904303 Table
pps_degree_history 2 0 10 266 Table
update_process 1 0 2 4 Table
uw_campus_history 2 1 6 57 Table

A campus on which classes may be held, as of a particular date

std_program_history 5 12 17 1674939 Table
cal_course_history 10 0 10 70445 Table
uw_term 70 0 7 210 Table

An academic term

std_term_plan_gpa 0 2 6 2099900 Table
adm_std_employment 0 3 7 300042 Table

Previous employment of an applicant

std_grad_supervision_history 2 0 2 185952 Table

Supervision of a graduate student as of a date

uw_campus 17 3 6 29 Table

A campus on which classes may be held, as of the most recent update to that campus in uw_campus_history

cal_course_topic_history 0 2 5 34341 Table

Update teaching_admin_registration to match changes to class registrations for the specified term

std_degree_subplan 0 5 4 15721 Table
std_transfer_credit_school 3 3 16 36238 Table
uw_test_component 1 0 4 283 Table

A external test component that may be taken by an applicant

off_instruct_section_meet 0 3 7 245145 Table
pps_standing 1 1 5 85 Table
off_instruct_section 12 3 12 405938 Table

An instructional section in which students may be registered and will be managed together as one group

cal_subject 10 3 6 251 Table

A subject code under which a course may be offered

pps_plan_type 3 4 12 105 Table

A possible plan type which may be associated with a plan

update_run 1 0 4 1673 Table

An update run, i.e. a set of notifications expected to be received

uw_group 13 2 4 14 Table

An academic group (faculty, affiliated college, or other group), as of the most recent update to that group in uw_group_history

cal_course_component 0 3 4 83772 Table

Availability of a meet component for a course

cal_requisite 8 2 6 8252 Table

A requisite which may be required in order to enrol in a course or in a reservation slot of a section

std_name 0 1 7 1809650 Table

Student name; may be primary (PRI) or preferred (PRF)

uw_unit_history 2 2 8 101 Table

An academic unit (department, school, or other unit) as of a particular date

cal_subject_history 2 1 6 278 Table
std_term_units 0 2 38 2561100 Table
uw_ext_course_type 1 0 2 8 Table

A possible course type for an external course

uw_aid_status 1 0 2 8 Table

A possible status for a financial aid application

cal_component 8 0 2 26 Table

A possible course meet component

uw_building_history 2 0 5 70 Table

A building on campus as of a specific date

uw_location_history 2 1 5 139 Table

A location in which events may be held, as of a particular date

uw_ext_subject 1 0 2 77 Table

A possible subject area for an external course

adm_std_academic_degree 0 7 9 224813 Table

A degree in progress or obtained from a previous institution by an applicant

adm_std_academic_attendance 8 5 6 223082 Table

Attendance at a previous institution by an applicant

pps_plan 16 8 15 2692 Table
std_address 0 2 10 1765387 Table

Postal address for the student or applicant

uw_visible_minority 0 0 2 14 Table

A possible visible minority classification

uw_citizenship 1 0 2 26 Table

A citizenship status

uw_group_history 2 0 4 20 Table

An academic group (faculty, affiliated college, or other group), as of a particular date

uw_country 8 0 4 254 Table

A country of the world

std_term 10 11 26 2561100 Table

Summary of each academic term; mostly from ps_stdnt_car_term.

adm_std_academic_course 0 9 20 2142093 Table

A course obtained from a previous institution by an applicant

uw_ext_org 3 1 6 209097 Table

An external organization

pps_program_type 1 0 2 7 Table

A possible program type which may be associated with a plan type

uw_coop_workterm_status 1 0 2 12 Table

A possible co-op workterm status

std_term_subplan 0 4 5 140508 Table
uw_test_source 1 0 2 25 Table

A possible source for an external test score

uw_study_agreement 2 0 4 281 Table

A study agreement in which a student may participate

pps_program_history 2 3 10 435 Table
std_term_award 0 3 4 247459 Table

A term award received by a student

std_grad_supervisor 0 5 6 57434 Table

Assignment of a graduate supervisor to a graduate student

iso_639_3_language 1 0 8 7849 Table

A language listed in ISO 639-3

uw_coop_term_type 1 0 2 2 Table

A possible co-op term type

update_notification 0 2 5 6616 Table

A notification received from Quest of extract process completion

adm_appl_program_comment 0 4 5 288623 Table
std_phone 0 2 5 1934304 Table

Contact phone number for the student or applicant

std_degree 4 4 6 146724 Table
std_degree_plan 3 3 4 191962 Table
adm_appl_program_evaluation 5 4 7 801672 Table

An evaluation of an application

pps_plan_history 2 6 15 5076 Table
uw_phone_type 1 0 2 10 Table

A possible phone type

pps_program 15 5 10 154 Table
pps_subplan 6 6 11 2549 Table
std_term_course_section 0 2 12 0 View

Student section registrations related to course registrations

std_degree_plus 0 3 15 0 View

std_degree plus fields from the related rows of pps_degree_history

std_term_course_plus_old 0 9 28 0 View
std_term_program_plus 0 8 15 0 View

std_term_program plus program titles

std_term_course_plus 0 9 28 0 View
std_name_primary 0 0 7 0 View

Student primary name

cal_course_topic_history_plus 0 1 6 0 View

cal_course_topic_history plus additional useful columns

off_course_section_complete_old 0 8 38 0 View

off_course_section enhanced with fields related to the course labels, topics, and calendar information

std_program_matriculation 0 9 17 0 View

Most recent matriculation action for each student/career

std_transfer_credit_detail_plus 0 4 25 0 View

std_transfer_credit_detail plus information about the course for which credit is given

std_combined_term_plan 0 2 4 0 View

Student plans from combined admissions and records data

std_combined_term_subplan 0 2 4 0 View

Student subplans from combined admissions and records data

std_term_grad_supervision 0 1 3 0 View

Most current information about graduate student supervision as of each term

std_combined_term 0 1 8 0 View

One record per student-term, combining term activations with admit terms, favouring term activations

std_combined_term_history 0 2 3 0 View

Identify term of most recent term activation or admit term for each student as of each term

off_instruct_section_meet_plus 0 6 17 0 View

off_instruct_section_meet enhanced with information about the room in which the meet takes place

std_combined_term_program 0 3 6 0 View

Student programs from combined admissions and records data

off_course_section_plus 0 8 31 0 View

off_course_section enhanced with fields related to the course labels and topics

off_instruct_section_instructor_plus 0 1 6 0 View

Instructor information from off_instruct_section_instructor enhanced with names but missing uw_id so view can be made public

off_course_section_complete 0 8 39 0 View

off_course_section enhanced with fields related to the course labels, topics, and calendar information

std_term_plan_plus 0 9 20 0 View
std_term_program_history 0 2 3 0 View

Most recent term activation for students as of each term

std_grad_supervision 0 0 2 0 View

Most current information about graduate student supervision

std_transfer_credit_school_plus 0 2 18 0 View

std_transfer_credit_school plus summary columns depending on std_transfer_credit_detail

off_course_section_plus_old 0 8 30 0 View

Return false if subject is one of the administrative subjects such as {COOP, PD, SEQ} or is like a milestone {WHMIS, ACINTY}, and true otherwise.

std_name_preferred 0 0 7 0 View

Student preferred name