

A test component result reported for a student applicant


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
uw_id "_quest"."quest_uw_id" 2147483647 null
std_student.uw_id adm_std_test_uw_id_fkeyR
test_type_code text 2147483647 null
uw_test_type.test_type_code adm_std_test_test_type_code_fkeyR
test_component_code text 2147483647 null
uw_test_component.test_component_code adm_std_test_test_component_code_fkeyR
test_date date 13 null
test_source_code text 2147483647 null
uw_test_source.test_source_code adm_std_test_test_source_code_fkeyR
test_score numeric 6,2 null

The applicant’s mark on the test component

test_ext_academic_level text 2147483647 null

The external academic level associated with the test component result

test_loaded date 13 null

The date the test component result was loaded

Table contained 572548 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
adm_std_test_pkey Primary key Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc uw_id + test_type_code + test_component_code + test_date + test_source_code
