

off_instruct_section_meet enhanced with information about the room in which the meet takes place


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
facility_id text 2147483647 null
uw_room.facility_id Implied ConstraintR
term_id "_quest"."quest_term_id" 2147483647 null
uw_term.term_id Implied ConstraintR
section_id int4 10 null
meet_id int4 10 null
meet_times timerange 2147483647 null
meet_days bit 7 null
meet_dates daterange 2147483647 null
building_id int4 10 null
uw_building.building_id Implied ConstraintR
room_code text 2147483647 null
facility_as_of date 13 null
room_description text 2147483647 null
facility_active bool 1 null
facility_type_code text 2147483647 null
location_code text 2147483647 null
uw_location.location_code Implied ConstraintR
room_capacity int4 10 null
unit_code text 2147483647 null
uw_unit.unit_code Implied ConstraintR
facility_partition int4 10 null

Table contained 0 rows


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