

A calendar date


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
date date 13 null
adm_appl.appl_application_date Implied ConstraintR
adm_appl.appl_graduation_date Implied ConstraintR
adm_appl_program_evaluation.evaluation_date Implied ConstraintR
adm_appl_program_history.action_date Implied ConstraintR
adm_std_academic_attendance.end_date Implied ConstraintR
adm_std_academic_attendance.start_date Implied ConstraintR
adm_std_academic_course.begin_date Implied ConstraintR
adm_std_academic_course.end_date Implied ConstraintR
adm_std_academic_degree.degree_date Implied ConstraintR
adm_std_employment.end_date Implied ConstraintR
off_course_section_reserve.reserve_start_date Implied ConstraintR
std_degree.degree_conferral_date Implied ConstraintR
std_degree_honour.honours_award_date Implied ConstraintR
std_degree_plus.degree_conferral_date Implied ConstraintR
std_program_history.action_date Implied ConstraintR
std_service_indicator.active_date Implied ConstraintR
std_term.standing_action_date Implied ConstraintR
std_term.withdraw_date Implied ConstraintR
std_term_course.grade_submission_date Implied ConstraintR
std_term_course_plus.grade_submission_date Implied ConstraintR
std_term_plan_gpa.gpa_date Implied ConstraintR
std_term_program.action_date Implied ConstraintR
std_term_program_plus.action_date Implied ConstraintR
std_term_section.add_date Implied ConstraintR
std_term_section.drop_date Implied ConstraintR
std_term_subplan_gpa.gpa_date Implied ConstraintR
term_id "_quest"."quest_term_id" 2147483647 null
uw_term.term_id uw_date_term_id_fkeyR

The term to which this date belongs

business_day int4 10 null

The sequential number of this business day, or NULL if it is not a business day for the University

holiday_code text 2147483647 null
uw_holiday_type.holiday_code uw_date_holiday_code_fkeyR

The holiday code for this holiday, or NULL if it is not a holiday for the University

class_weekday bit 7 null

The day of the week this is deemed to be for class scheduling purposes, or NULL if this is not a regular class day

exam_day bool 1 null

Whether this day is a scheduled examination day, or NULL if the examination dates for the term have not been released

Table contained 24592 rows


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
uw_date_pkey Primary key Asc date
uw_date_business_day_key Must be unique Asc business_day
