ISG Scripts Man Pages

This page contains man pages for some of ISG's scripts. These man pages used to be at, but that website was deleted and the man pages are here now.


BitterSuite is a rigid, extendable testing framework which was originally designed to run on top of RST, but can also be set up to run within Marmoset or other testing frameworks. The goal of this suite is to provide a reasonable amount of testing flexibility while not requiring most tutors to do very much scripting, focusing instead on designing comprehensive tests.

Course Account

This deals in particular with commands that assist with the usage of the course account. The login program provides a standard set of behaviour for course accounts of ISG-supported courses. The checkquota command provides feedback about a course account's diskquota. The validateSite command provides feedback about the course website's validation.

Group Management

These scripts help courses deal with group management. Documentation is not yet available for group_mgr-process_group_txt_submissions, group_mgr, or group_mgr-export.


Currently, this only consists of a script that will wrap RST assignment marking suites in a fashion that can be understood by Marmoset. In the future, it may also consist of tools that allow interacting with Marmoset via the command line; for example, to upload testing zip files or solutions, or to retrieve student submissions.


Moss is a utility that does statistical matching between pairs of assignment submissions. A set of programs wrap around moss, providing output filtering and making the analysis of the output more straightforward.


These utilities are useful for performing newsgroup-related tasks.


There are several perl modules on the ISG account; the isg setup program automatically puts them in perl's search path so they can be found be any perl program that wants to use them. Several shell programs make use of these modules in ways that may give more convenient access, but the modules may also be accessed directly.

Basic/Public Tests

These utilities deal in particular with a public test system that makes use of the RST and mailOut commands to perform testing and handle mailouts to students. The public tests will be executed by a number of testing daemons running on each server listed in the server_list file.


This section documents the RST tools. The front-end called from the course account are the commands rst, rsta, and distrst. These in turn make use of runTests and computeMarks, which are utilities supplied by course staff in a predetermined location for each assignment and testing suite. The computeMarks command has a number of helper utilities available to it which course staff should make use of to generate output for students and to keep records: keepFile, printFile, deProcessFile and writeToMarkList.

Output can then be mailed to students with mailOut or printed out for marker feedback with printOut.


These utilities are useful for manipulating the submit command. The file_filter allows a simple way to reject files that are being submitted and provide feedback to the student indicating why. The deadline or makelateclone commands should be called from a cron or at scheduled job when submissions are being cut off; which command is used will depend on the needs of the course. The unlate command may be useful if making direct use of submit's builtin late-handling capabilities, and submitters gives a list of all students who submitted all time (which, in most courses, is the same as a list of all students who submitted).



These are miscellaneous utilities, including utilities for getting information about the current term or for locking files.

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Topic revision: r3 - 2018-09-05 - YiLee
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