
printOut — Print postscripts with the results of an rst run.


printOut {assignment} {suite} {run_id} {piles} {where}


The first parameter specifies which assignment is to be processed. The second specifies which test suite is to be printed; only suites of type p can be printed. The third parameter specifies, by run_id, which specific run of the test suite is to be printed.

The piles parameter specifies either how many piles to print (numeric) or indicates a meet type of the course to use to split the printout into piles. For example, a piles of pra would generate one pile per practicum section. The available meet types depend on the scheduling of the course; see the .classlist file on the course account for other options including tut and lec.

Warning! Due to a limitation in the lpr command, each pile must not have more than 50 assignments in it. Therefore, choose the number of piles or meet type to avoid piles of more than 50 assignments.

The final parameter specifies where to send the output, as follows:


ljp_3016. Note that the tutor's WatCard will release the job, but the course account will be charged for the job.




Don't actually print; for testing


Print at Graphics Services


This command is used to print out the results of running a print-type test suite. A file is printed for each student. The entire job is divided into piles of a manageable size, and each pile starts with a mark-recording sheet that is essentially a list of the students in that pile. If printing at Graphics Services, the assignments are automatically stapled.

Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-11 - YiLee
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