Submit Subversion Hook.

This is available via the final_script option in .submitrc, and is located at /u/isg/bin/submit/submit_subversion_hook.

It maintains a subversion repository of all student submissions. The repository is in coursedir/submitlog/assign/userid, where coursedir is typically /u/csXXX/course.


submit_subversion_hook — Retain a record of all student submissions in a subversion repository




Inside of the course's /u/csXXX/.submitrc there should be the following line:



This will maintain a subversion repository of all student submissions. This repository is separate from the handin directory which submit uses directly to contain the most recent submission. It will be located in coursedir/submitlog/assign/userid, where coursedir is typically /u/csXXX/course.

This is a strongly recommended extension to submit's behaviour. This gives a full history of submissions which can be used to extract previous submission data in case of accidental file deletion, or which can be used as part of an academic integrity investigation. If paired with the ISG file_filter, it gives a complete record of every submission along with indications of why files are missing if they were rejected.

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Topic revision: r3 - 2016-01-11 - YiLee
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