
rstrc — Specify configuration parameters for rst




Configuration for rst may be provided in the files /u/csXXX/.rstrc, /u/csXXX/marking/assign.rstrc and /u/csXXX/marking/assign/test.suite/.rstrc, and these files will be read in that order. As with submitrc, each line of these files will consist of variable assignments. If they are not specified, they will have the default values specified below.

The variables that may be overridden are:


The version of RST being used. This controls the details of the command-line interface, as a setting of 2 triggers a more uniform interface across rst and other affiliated utilities. Defaults to 1.


A group that the course account belongs to, but the testing account does not. Defaults to the same name as the course account.


As in submitrc, the account on which testing (ie, execution of runTests) will take place. Defaults to csXXXt.


The group common to the course account and the testing account. Defaults to csXXXt.


As in submitrc, the base directory under which assignment-specific and student-submission-specific directories reside. Defaults to /u/csXXX/handin.


The base directory under which assignment-specific and test-suite-specific directories reside. Defaults to /u/csXXX/marking.


As in submitrc, the subdirectory under which late information resides. Defaults to .lates.


The program rst will use to connect to the testing account. Defaults to rsh.


The server that rst will use to connect to the testing account. Defaults to localhost.


If this is true, then RST will overwrite the permissions on the testing directory to defaults that should help ensure proper interaction with the testing account. Defaults to true.


If this is true, then RST will try to ensure that the temporary working directory it uses is deleted at the end of the RST run. Defaults to true.


Not yet implemented!

If this is true, then RST will delete any save directory for this student and rerun the tests; otherwise, RST will simply skip any students for whom save directories already exist. Defaults to false.


If specified, overrides the line length for all testing runs to the specified value. This determines where line cutting/folding occurs in generated output files. Defaults to the empty string.


If specified, overrides the line length for any t testing runs to the specified value. Also overrides and values for linelength. Defaults to the empty string.


If specified, overrides the line length for any p testing runs to the specified value. Also overrides and values for linelength. Defaults to the empty string.


If specified, gives a full path to a runTests program that will be used for any testing suites that do not already contain a runTests utility. Defaults to the empty string.


If specified, gives a full path to a computeMarks program that will be used for any testing suites that do not already contain a runTests utility. Defaults to the empty string.


An array of values that will be passed as command-line arguments to runTests. Defaults to an empty array.


An array of values that will be passed as command-line arguments to computeMarks. Defaults to an empty array.


An array of servers that are to be used for running autotesting. This list is used by distrst and the RST public tests so testing is only done on course-approved servers. Defaults to an empty array.

NB: Many servers have multiple aliases. The name given in this array must be the name that is given by running hostname on the server.


A string name which will be used as the base name of the human-friendly output files RST generates: name .(ps|txt|...) Defaults to OUTPUT.


The name of the file written to by writeToMarkList. Defaults to MARKS.


The name of the file written to by writeToTestResults. Defaults to TEST.out.

Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-11 - YiLee
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