
makelateclone — Cut off submission of an assignment and create a late version of it


/u/isg/bin/makelateclone {assignment} [latename]


As with the command deadline, this would typically be run from a cron job or an at job. The parameter assignment specifies the assignment which will no longer be accepting submissions; if latename is not specified, it will also be used as the base of the new assignment's name (assignmentlate). Otherwise, latename will be used verbatim as the new assignment's name.


This command provides "late" functionality that differs from that offered by submit. It uses deadline to cut off submissions, but also unconditionally opens a separate new assignment which accepts the same files (as specified to submit by .subfiles), and will create a symlink to the original assignment's marking scripts.

This functionality is intended to handle situations where students are unable to submit assignments by the deadline because of widespread unreasonable circumstances; for example, if the web server or the Odyssey front-end to submit become unavailable in the CS minor courses.

Topic revision: r1 - 2016-01-11 - YiLee
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