ca_pub_test_service — Attempts to pass public test work to course accounts
This command is meant to be run on the course account via the pub_test_runner processes on the ISG account. It should not be run directly.
The parameters are the course the tests are run on, the user requesting the tests, the assignment that needs to be tested, and a unique ID for this process which it uses to identify itself in log files.
If a request is found by pub_test_runner, it will launch this command on the course account. The main processing is done by rst and the public tests are hardcoded to look for a mailing suite named pt. After the run has completed, the student is sent the results using mailOut.
During the course of the run, ca_pub_test_service will write timestamped log files in /u/
. The log files are tab-delimited and have fields as follows:
Timestamp marking run start time
Userid of requester
Identifier for this process
Timestamp marking run completion time
Userid of requester
Identifier for this process
Mark earned, if it was formatted in the marklist
file as writeToMarkList's single-parameter form would do (N/A otherwise)
As well, any error output from rst will be written to the
subdirectory, in a file named after the identifier passed as a parameter when the program was launched.