Secure Shell Windows Client from SSH.COM (OBSOLETE)
NOTE as of 2017 this is OBSOLETE and does not support newer security protocols required by newer systems
If you are looking for a document which covers Mac/Linux/Windows ssh clients, please see:
Installation steps
Windows Installation
- On the AppServer, look in \\\exports\export\COMMON\SSHClient
- run SSHSecureShellClient-3.2.9.exe
- accept all defaults
- click Finish
- References
License the software
Note: The license included with the
SSHSecureShellClient-3.2.9.exe installer has expired.
Follow these steps to update the license.
- Replace the license.dat file in the Secure Shell program directory with license2.dat.
- Note: you will have to copy/rename license2.dat to the target license.dat
Using Public Key Athentication
[This part of the document is stale compared with which also covers OpenSSH and PuTTY clients]. Kept here for mostly historical purposes. - drallen 21 Aug 2009]
- This method of authentication permits a secure and optionally automatic login to a Linux machine for a given userid.
- The user userid is used in this example.
- We will create a key pair on the SSH Windows client and upload it to a Linux box.
SSH C"> Creating a key pair on the SSH Client
- Open SSH Client
- Connect to the host that you wish to connect to with a public key (so we can upload a key later on)
- Open the Edit Menu -> Settings
- Open "User Authentication" -> "Keys"
- Pick Generate New
- Pick Next
- Choose Key Properties
- Pick an optional passphrase
- Note this will be need every time you login - this primarily is to protect your private key from theft
- Generate Key Complete
- Upload Button
- Upload Key Dialog
- Pick .ssh for folder
- Upload Key Finish
Install uploaded public key on Linux Host
- We assume you are logged in to the userid's home directory
- cd ~/.ssh ( change into userid's home .ssh folder)
- ssh-keygen -i -f >junk
(translates the SSH.COM Windows Client key into the correct format)
- cat junk >> authorized_keys (Append translated key to authorized_keys file - the list of keys we accept for automatic login)
- rm authorization junk (remove unneeded files)
- Edit Menu -> Settings -> Fonts
- SSH uses the Windows fixed size font sets - you can add addition fonts to windows to take advantage of other font styles
- Fonts that are greater then 1 pixel thickness
- Lucida Console
- Lucida Sans Typewriter
- Extra English Fonts that are installed with Chinese language support
@BatangChe 18
@DotumChe 18
@GulimChe 18
@GungsuhChe 18
@MS Gothic 20
@MS Mincho 20
@NSimSun 20
BatangChe 18
DotumChe 18
GulimChe 18
GungsuhChe 18
NSimSun 18
- Other optional Windows Fonts
MS Gothic 20
@Terminal 20
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 18
Other sources of FREE fixed width fonts
Non-free fonts
LawrenceFolland - 29 Oct 2004
MikeGore - 19 Dec 2005