All the best and happy learning!
Carmen Bruni
Syllabus for 2018
Learning Outcomes
Lectures for the course:
Lastly, this is a huge problem set I left for my students to help them practice for the final exam. I do not have solutions to these problems. 100+ problems
All builds
First, big thanks to Sang Jun Bak for giving me these files and instructions and allowing me to use them. The following instructions should get things to work on either system. Jun also gave me a file for multiple builds as well (I've only included the Mac version - you can modify the attached code for Windows and Linux users). I've zipped the contents and they can be downloaded here. I can only confirm that the Mac ones work - if you find an error (and fix it!) please let me know.
To use the build packages first download gcc ( for Windows users),
Syllabus for 2017
Learning Outcomes
Lectures for the course:
Lastly, this is a huge problem set I left for my students to help them practice for the final exam. I do not have solutions to these problems. 100+ problems