
  • Supporting the administrative and business functions of the School. Includes onboarding, reporting, collaboration tools, research grant support, databases, and consulting.

  • Online conferencing, e-signage, email, websites, and other communication and collaboration tools.

  • Services to enable day-to-day work. Network access, equipment deployment, loans and support, printing, email, backups, and other software.

  • Underlying support for School activities. Includes accounts management, data centres, server infrastructure, network, databases, monitoring, storage, equipment procurement and disposal, teaching labs, and software.

  • Includes advice for purchasing equipment, developing applications, space renovations, portfolio/project management, and other technology consulting.

  • Services supporting the School's research activities, including specialized compute environments, advanced applications with particular computing, storage, bandwidth, or graphics requirements, research grant support, and research lab management.

  • Services to provide a secure computing environment. Includes network security, system security, application security, security consultative services, incident response and investigation, and account management.

  • Instructional technology, tools, and resources directly supporting teaching and learning. Includes learning management systems, in-class and online course development, exam submission and marking, teaching evaluations, and other academic tools for faculty and students.