Advanced Topics in Electronic Publishing (CS 846)

Spring/Summer 2024

To Go Directly to the Topics List

To Go Directly to the Student Lecture Schedule

For Other Information including about Academic Integrity, Grievance, Discipline, Avoiding Academic Offenses, Appeals, and a Note for Students with Disabilities

Courses and Sections:

CS846 is Advanced Topics in Software Engineering, a graduate seminar. Section 1 is Advanced Topics in Electronic Publishing


Daniel Berry, DC 3329, No telephone, dberry ATT uwaterloo DOTT ca
Office Hours: by appointment made by e-mail:

The reason I have no telephone is that I am nearly deaf. I do not sign, but I do read lips. So, I cannot use a voice-only telephone. I can use a video communication medium if the bandwidth of the connection is high enough that the image gets updated at the frequency of television or movies and thus, the lip movement is smooth enough to be decipherable.

I prefer to meet in person. There's never a bandwidth problem that prevents lipreading. For the safety of both of us, I am vaccinated to the hilt.
If necessary, we can meet via Zoom. Please send to me e-mail that you want to meet with some possible times, and I will reply with one of those times or an alternative proposal. When we agree on a time, I will send you a Zoom invitation.

Evaluation of Instructor at the End of the Term

You will be able to evaluate the course instructor at any time between TBA and TBA.

E-Mail from Instructor:

Archive of All E-mail Sent to Whole Class

Highest Level Course Outline:

One Page Description of the Course

Course Times and Locations:

Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9:00am--11:20am in DC 2568

We will meet on a subset of the dates, so that the total meeting time over the term is 36 hours, as in a normal course.


No textbook. Notes are provided at this Web site or are provided at at a URL sent by e-mail to all that are registered in the course.


Each student has to do the following:
  1. Do one of
  2. Write a conference-sized paper about the project or research.
  3. Give a 30-minute talk based on the paper so that the whole class benefits from it, and the prof has one fewer lecture to do :-).

Please get your project or report topic approved by the prof before going to far into it, to make sure that it will be acceptable.

The due date for the project or report is Friday 2 August.

Here's some more about picking a project or topic.

Class Meeting Schedule

List of class meeting dates, covering what is given in the Topics List.

Student Lecture Schedule

Tuesday 23 July 9:00--9:40 EDT Belen Bonilla: Typography and its Influence on Website User Interfaces
Tuesday 23 July 9:50--10:30 EDT Bing Hu: Electronically Publishing The Art of Signatures
Tuesday 23 July 10:40--11:20 EDT Mohammad Hasan Payandeh: TeXFlow: Drawing Lines Between Highlighted Texts in a PDF to Illustrate Text Flow
Thursday 25 July 9:00--9:40 EDT Kimiya Mohammadtaheri: Supporting Automatic Word Stretches for Nastaliq Font in LaTeX
Thursday 25 July 9:50--10:30 EDT Daniel Phan: Comparative Analysis of AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)-Based Tools in Python Code Formatting
Thursday 25 July 10:40--11:20 EDT Gustavo Sutter: Infinitely Scalable Signatures using PostScript
Tuesday 30 July 9:00--9:40 EDT QingYang Zhou: Topic
Tuesday 30 July 9:50--10:30 EDT Amir Seyhani: Adding Support of Persian/Arabic Languages to vi.iv
Tuesday 30 July 10:40--11:20 EDT Amin Bigdeli: Topic

Topics List

The URLs, particularly of published journal articles, conference articles, and books, should be exercised from within the University of Waterloo Library, where you can sign on with your watIam credentials. Then, you should not have to pay for a download.

Also, being on campus or in a VPN that makes you appear to be on campus works, as well.

Topic Outlines, URLs To Original Sources, and Slides
Journals and Conferences Journals and Conferences focusing on Electronic Publishing Topics  
  Electronic Publishing--Origination, Dissemination and Design
  [JEP] the journal of electronic publishing
  International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ElPub)
  International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB)
  International Conference on Digital Documents and Electronic Publishing (DDEP) (mentions other years)
  Electronic Publishing, Artistic Imaging, and Digital Typography
  Electronic Publishing, Artistic Imaging, and Digital Typography
  Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation & Typography, 1990
  Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography, 1988
  Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation and Typography, 1988
Course Introduction Main Slides: Course Overview
  Supplemental Slides: One Page Outlne
Traditional Typography
  1. Sort (typesetting)
    • Moveable type
    • sort for one character
    • piece of lead
    • fragile
    • tradeoffs
  2. History of Western Typography
  3. Letterpress Printing
    • Printing press
    • Justification to deal with mechanical problem
    • Tray of sorts = fount = font
    • Physical limitations and fragility: character parts cannot be too small at small sizes and should not be too big at large sizes; therefore no scaling and each size designed separately.
  4. Some Definitions
    • Traditional "font" = Modern "font at one size"
    • Traditional "typeface" = Modern "font"
    • Ligatures
      "fi" Ligature and Not
    • Kerning
  5. Categories of Type
  6. Typeface
    • Review definitions of "font", "typeface"
  7. General typography from book on digital typography
  8. Paper Size
    • A4 and Letter paper sizes have about the same area
    • ACM's and IEEE's A4xLetter:
      ACM and IEEE journals use a paper size that is the intersection of A4 and Letter sizes; so ACM and IEEE journal articles are narrow enough for A4 paper and short enough for Letter paper
  9. Gaugezilla
    • Google "Images for typesetting ruler" and then click on "Images for typesetting ruler"
  1. Phototypesetting: A Design Manual, by James Craig, 1978
    Sort Vs Phototypesetter Vs LaserPrinter

    Sort Hot type Phototypsetter Laser printer
    Metal type & ink Metal type & ink Light through template on photographic paper Bitmap on ordinary paper
    Manual Mechanical machine Computer controlled mechanical machine Computer all the way
    Hands move type Keybord move type casts troff controls phototypesetter TeX generates bitmaps
    Analog type Analog type Analog type Digital type

    Phototypesetting avoids physical limitations of physical type:

    • negative spacing in both directions
    • table-driven kerning: kerning no longer requires special metallic unit with the kerned pair; negative character spacing does the job
    • ligatures still require built in template; cannot be faked with negative character spacing
    • both scaling and multiple design sizes to achieve different sizes of type
    But is still analog, because it's printed in a photographic process.
Digital Typography
  1. First paper ever on digital typography
    • First digital typography is for display on CRTs, using beams to make strokes
  2. From Bitmaps to PostScript and Other Languages
    • Ultimately, printers print bitmaps of pages
    • Can produce bitmaps of pages by properly placed bitmaps of characters
    • Can produce bitmaps of characters from definitions of characters by compilation (e.g., Metafont) or interpretation (e.g., PostScript)
    • Lots of styles of definitions of characters: bitmap, stroke, stroke + pen, outline, imperative, equational
    • Problems with bitmaps: rounding, aligning, scaling up, scaling down
    • Problems with converting outlines or strokes+pens to bitmaps
    • Outline and stroke fonts scalable up and down
  3. Bitmapped Vs Outline Fonts
  4. Designed Vs Scaled Sizes
  5. Typeface Design Books
  6. Graphic Design With Computer
  7. Other Materials
  8. Berry's early attempts at an author's being responsible for his own typesetting for a journal publication
  1. Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics "Formatting" Article (Including Supplements)
    • Basic definitions for formatting
  2. Formatting Software's Reference Manual
  3. Changing from 2 to 1 column
  4. Wrong width tables
  5. 1 vs 2 columns
  6. Scaling With Included Outline and Bitmap Images
    • LaTeX
    • troff
    • Word
    • Acrobat
    • PS outline images
    • PDF outline images
    • PNG opaque bitmapped images
    • PNG transparent bitmapped images
  7. Formatting Atrocities
    • Ligatures
    • Small caps
    • ashow in PostScript
  8. Slides: Brian Kernighan Introduction
  9. Troff and its Family
  10. TeX and its Family
Multilingual Wordprocessing
  1. Multi-Lingual Overview
  2. Brief BiDi Reading Lesson
  3. Arabic Alphabet Table
  4. Connecting Arabic
  5. Star Trek, the Next Generation
  6. Ligatures vs Connections in Arabic
  7. Hong Kong Style
  8. Understanding Birectional Text in Unicode (original source)
    Understanding Birectional Text in Unicode (marked local copy)
  9. Unicode BiDi Algorithm
  10. Unicode BiDi Examples
  11. LRO-RLO and Mouse Notes
  12. Other Materials

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CS 846: Advanced Topics in Electronic Publishing
Last modification: Thursday, 25-Jul-2024 08:52:14 EDT