Newsgroups: comp.fonts
Subject: Summary: Books on Font Design
Date: 31 Jul 91 19:34:42 GMT
Organization: Virginia Tech Computer Science, Blacksburg, VA

Here is a summary of the response I got to my request for references to 
literature on font design --- thanks to Karl Berry for all but one of these.

It should be noted that, like any art form, you cannot learn font design from
books.  You learn font design by staring at fonts, figuring out what is good
and bad about them, and most importantly, by drawing letters.  Millions of
them.  It seems to be generally agreed that the place to start is to learn

However, the following books deal with the subject:

* ``Letters of Credit'', by Walter Tracy
* ``An Anatomy of a Typeface'', by Alexander Lawson
* ``Hermann Zapf and his Design Philosophy'', by Hermann Zapf
* ``ABC-XYZapf'', by Hermann Zapf
* ``An Atlas of Typeforms'', by James Sutton and Alan Bartram
* ``The Design of Lucida, an Integrated Family of Typefaces'', by Chuck
    Bigelow and Kris Holmes, from the 86(?) EP Conference Proceedings
* ``The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography'', by Ruari McLean
* ``A Dialogue of Forms: Letters and Digital Font Design'', by Debra Anne
    Adams (Master's Thesis, M.I.T.)
* ``The Euler Project at Stanford'', by David R. Siegel (Stanford TR)
* ``AMS {E}uler---a New Typeface for Mathematics'', by Donald Knuth and
    Hermann Zapf, Apr89, I don't know where this article appeared.
* ``Typesetting Concrete Mathematics'', by DK&HZ, from TUGBoat, sometime in '89

 Joseph W. Lavinus, Virginia Tech      email:
     "You can't do that in horizontal mode." -- TeX error message