Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 16:06:53 -0400 (EDT) Subject: CS846, ATEP S24: First Meeting Tuesday 7 May 8:30-11 Bcc: atep Hi All in CS846 ATEP; You are getting this e-mail because you are registered or are on the waiting list for CS 846 Advanced Topics in Electronic Publishing (ATEP) for Spring/Summer 2024. We will be meeting most Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30-10:50 in DC 2568. Note that each meeting is nominally 2.5 hours long, 1 hour longer than normal. Doing so will allow us to skip some meetings so that I can attend a conference and you can spend time doing your project. Normally, a class meets for 1.5 hours 2 times per week for 12 weeks, 24 times, for a total of 36 hours. We will meet only 14.4 times for the same 36 hours. See you Tuesday morning 7 May at 8:30am in DC 2568. Hasta Manana Dan ================================================================================ Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 20:12:26 -0400 (EDT) Subject: CS846, ATEP S24: Vault for Course Marerials not at the Website Bcc: atep Hi All in CS846 ATEP; Here is where you will find all slides and materials that I cannot make publicly visible at the course Website <>: <> (the actdual link has been obfuscated to make it private to attendees of this course. If you are registered for the course, and need the link, e-mail the course instructor, and he will send it to you!) Look here periodically, particularly when we move on to another topic. RE: the course Website: It is in the process of being updated until it says "Spring/Summer 2024" at the top! Dan ================================================================================ Date: Mon, 13 May 2024 19:58:05 -0400 (EDT) Subject: CS846, ATEP S24: Class Tuesday, Website Ready, and Vault for Course Marerials not at the Website updated Bcc: atep Hi All in CS846 ATEP; The class will meet from now on from 9:00 until 11:20 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, you get an extra half hour of sleep!!! Wheeeeeee!!!!! Tomorrow, Tuesday 13 May, we will continue with Gaugezilla and move on to Phototypography. The course Web site at <> is now up to date. I updated also the contents of <> (formerly called "wp.course.pdf") and <>, both at the course Web site and in the <> cloud. Observe that <>, that you can get to from the course Web site by clicking on "Archive of All E-mail Sent to Whole Class", under "E-Mail from Instructor:" I remind you that here is where you will find all slides and materials that I cannot make publicly visible at the course Website: <> (the actdual link has been obfuscated to make it private to attendees of this course. If you are registered for the course, and need the link, e-mail the course instructor, and he will send it to you!) It has new versions of CourseOverview.pdf (formerly called "wp.course.pdf") and of OnePager.pdf. Look here periodically, particularly when we move on to another topic. Hasta manana Dan ================================================================================ Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 12:31:32 -0400 (EDT) Subject: CS846, ATEP S24: The schedule for the rest of the term. Bcc: atep Hi All in CS846 ATEP; I have determined the student lecture dates and thus the schedule of class meetings for the rest of the term. Normally there are 24 1.5-hour meetings. To achieve the same 36 hours over the term, we need to have 14.4 2.5-hour meetings.. The enrolment is 9 students. Each meeting is actually 2 hours 20 minutes = 140 minutes. We can have three student lectures per meeting, thus allowing for each student a 40-minute slot, which consists of a 30-minute talk plus 10 minutes for questions. Three slots is 120 minutes and two 10-minute breaks add up to 140 minutes. The last two meetings on 23, 25, and 30 July will be for student talks. In addition, I have a conference to attend the last week of June and will be traveling the half week after and the week and a half after. So we will not be meeting 20 June through 9 July. All said, here is the course schedule by dates Date Meeting number 7 May 1 9 May 2 14 May 3 16 May 4 21 May Holiday 23 May 5 28 May 6 30 May 7 4 Jun 8 6 Jun 9 11 Jun 10 13 Jun 11 18 Jun no meeting 20 Jun Dan Trip 25 Jun Dan Trip 27 Jun Dan Trip 2 Jul Dan Trip 4 Jul Dan Trip 9 Jul Dan Trip 10 Jul no meeting 16 Jul no meeting 18 Jul 1/2 meeting 23 Jul 12 Students 25 Jul 13 Students 30 Jul 14 Students Note that the canceled dates include those around the Canada Day weekend, possibly giving you the ability to extend that weekend for you in both directions! Hurray!!! *** Note that on Tuesday, 21 May, there is no meeting, because that day follows the Monday schedule at UW. We will resume meeting on Thursday, 23 May from Page 28 in the slides titled "FromBitmapsToPSandOtherLangs.pdf" in the folder "DigitalTypography". Enjoy Victoria Day Hasta Jueves. Dan PS. The course Web site at <> is now up to date. Observe that <>, that you can get to from the course Web site by clicking on "Archive of All E-mail Sent to Whole Class", under "E-Mail from Instructor:" Here is where you will find all slides and materials that I cannot make publicly visible at the course Website: <> I added my first publications in which I did the typesetting for the journal. ================================================================================ Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 12:32:45 -0400 (EDT) Subject: CS846, ATEP S24: Picking dates and topics Bcc: atep Hi All in CS846 ATEP; You should start thinking about the topic for YOUR project and sending me e-mail about it so that we can discuss its appropriateness, its size, and other issues. You can find some ideas at <>, but do not feel constrained by this list. In fact, I *encourage* you to pick something that surprises me. Independently, you should pick a date, starting on 23 July, as in the relevant part of the previous message: 23 Jul 12 Students 25 Jul 13 Students 30 Jul 14 Students and let me know your choice. For any date, it's first-come-first-serve as arbited by my e-mail box. The earlier you talk, the more lenient the grading of the talk, but you will seen less of what others have done. The later your talk, the more time you have to prepare, but it's at a time when the deadlines in all classes pile on. Some prefer to talk first to prototype the paper. Some prefer to write the paper first to know what to say in the talk. Dan ================================================================================ Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 15:39:42 -0400 (EDT) Subject: CS846, ATEP S24: The last full week of my lectures Bcc: atep Hi All in CS846 ATEP; Here's what's left Date Meeting number 11 Jun 10 13 Jun 11 18 Jun no meeting 20 Jun Dan Trip 25 Jun Dan Trip 27 Jun Dan Trip 2 Jul Dan Trip 4 Jul Dan Trip 9 Jul Dan Trip 10 Jul no meeting 16 Jul no meeting 18 Jul 1/2 meeting 23 Jul 12 Students: Bonilla, Hu 25 Jul 13 Students 30 Jul 14 Students See "Class Meeting Schedule" at <> We are just about to start "Multilingual Wordprocessing" in the "Topics List" Hasta Martes Dan PS.. I have heard from only three of you on topics or dates.. Please see the message about "Subject: CS846, ATEP S24: Picking dates and topics" at <> The clock's a tickin' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ================================================================================ Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 11:27:37 -0400 (EDT) Subject: CS846, ATEP S24: presentation details Bcc: atep Hi All in CS846 ATEP; *** PLEASE before you do ANYTHING else, send me the title of your project, so that I can build a web site listing you, the title, and eventually a link to your slides. Here is the lecture schedule for the last 4 class meetings 18 Jul 1/2 meeting: ME, finishing up multilingual word processing 23 Jul Students: Belen Bonilla, Bing Hu, Mohammad Hasan Payandeh 25 Jul Students: Kimiya Mohammadtaheri, Daniel Phan, Gustavo Sutter 30 Jul Students: QingYang Zhou, Amir Seyhani, Amin Begdeli I am looking forward to learning a lot from you. Each class is from 9:00 until 11:20, which is 140 minutes. Allowing for two 10-minute breaks, one between each pair of lectures, there are 120 minutes to be shared by three lectures. Thus, each lecture gets 40 minutes. Therefore, you should plan your talk for no more then 30 minutes. Then I can let you actually talk for 35 minutes, leaving 5 minutes for questions. The schedule for the talks is: Talk 1: 9:00-9:40 10-minute break Talk 2: 9:50-10:30 10-minute break Talk 3: 10:40-11:20 By default, we shall use the order of the speakers listed at the Web site as the order of their talks. That said, I have no problem with two or more of the speakers agreeing to swap their slots. We will follow the schedule precisely. Out of fairness to everyone that has to follow you, and to the class that meets after ours, I will be brutal about stopping you from going over time. :-) You will get 10-, 5-, and 2-minute warnings. Please send to me by 5:00pm the day before your talk, your slides in PDF format, so that I can put them at the Web site for students to have and for me to make a hard copy on which I will write my comments. It will help a lot IF the slides were with a white background with text in dark colors. If the background is colored, a lot of ink is used for the background, and it becomes hard to write comments on the hard copy. The class room's podium can connect the projector to your OWN laptop. If you prefer to use the podium's own Mac, as I do, then tell me, and I will install your slides at the podium. Plan the talk with an eye to getting feedback towards your paper. If you find a lack of publications addressing your problem, and even if you do find publications, it's OK to try to invent something. I promise that if you take a chance on inventing something, and you explain what you did and why you did it, the presence of a mistake will not result in a low grade. ALL good researchers make mistakes and learn from them. Knock my socks off! Dan ================================================================================ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 13:14:50 -0400 (EDT) Subject: CS846, ATEP S24: Evaluation of Me Bcc: atep Hi All in CS846 ATEP; It just dawned on me that I never received the normal message that I get from the Math Faculty in the middle of July telling me to tell the students in my classes to visit before the end of the term to fill out the form to evaluate me as their instructor. I went over to the MUO that normally sends out the messages and they admitted that they did not send any such message out for the Spring 2024 term. So, NO ONE received any such message this time. OK, the MUO assures me that the site IS open now and will remain open to allow math students to do their evaluations. Since one has to log into the site to fill out the forms, I have no way to check the veracity of this claim. When I log in, I am taken to the faculty part and I cannot see what you, as a student, can see. So, PLEASE ASAP visit <>, log in with your WatIam credentials, and then fill out the form for CS 848 for this term. I am told that each student's account is populated according to er course registrations for the term. Please do this before you disappear for the rest of the summer. I don't know when they will close it, or even if it is still open for filling in. Note that the closer the course gets to 100% response, the better it is! Note that I do not get to see the evaluations until after it is too late to change your grades :-). So it's your time to take revenge for all the nasty work I have made you do :-). Thanks Dan ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================