First Aid

First Aid Kits

Various first aid kits can be found throughout spaces used by CSCF. These first aid kits are maintained by CSCF and are available for anyone to use.

Please notify dmerner if you use a significant amount of supplies from a first aid kit so that it can be restocked.

Departmental First Aid Kit

The departmental first aid kit is kept within the CSCF Help Desk located at DC 2608. The departmental first aid kit can only be inspected by staff holding a valid basic first aid certification.

This first aid kit is larger and has more generalized supplies compared to our lab first aid kits.

Lab First Aid Kits

Lab first aid kits are smaller than the larger departmental version and contain more lab specific supplies for injuries such as burns.

CSCF lab first aid kits can be found in the following locations:

  • DC 2560g
  • DC 3556
  • DC 3558
  • MC 3015

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

The Automated External Defibrillator (also known as an AED) can be used to analyze and treat someone experiencing heart fibrillation.

The AED for the Davis Centre is located on the Third Floor just outside the main CS grad lounge. It is maintained and managed by the Region of Waterloo's Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) program. There are roughly 70 AEDs across the University of Waterloo's campus.

Modern AEDs are more automated and generally do not require training to use.

Reporting Injuries

All injuries should be reported to the person's supervisor.

Injuries should be reported to the Safety Office by filling out an Incident and Investigation report with the person's supervisor.

High school co-op students may have additional injury reporting procedures that must be followed. These procedures may differ between schools (or school boards) but should be discussed with the co-op student and their teacher. Some co-op students may carry contact information cards in case of an emergency.


The First Aid - Standard (SO1039) training course can be taken by any University employee. Employees who complete this course will receive their basic first aid and CPR certification which is valid for 3 years. This training is generally free or funded by the department.

First Aid training is only offered four times each year. See the Safety Office's schedule for more information.

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Topic revision: r1 - 2024-07-03 - DevonMerner
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