CSCF Newsgroups
CSCF still uses newsgroups for some communication involving
both their clients and their staff.
In addition to the Unix based `Pnews` command,
postings can be made via e-mail to
uw.cscf.system is moderated,
so posting to it directly requires the usual trick.
Client Newsgroups
CSCF client newsgroups are documented in
uw.cscf.system tends to not see much use, as only a subset of our
systems are smart enough to display the newsgroup as
part of people's login.
CSCF Staff Newsgroups
The following are "internal" in the sense that they were
originally created for use by CSCF only.
However, anyone (who loves details) is welcome to read them.
describes events that might cause questions from the user community.
That includes changes with the potential to cause large-scale breakage,
should they fail.
The primary audience is intended to be front-line support staff.
describes changes of general interest made to supported systems,
including configuration changes.
Anything not recorded via ST is appropriate for this,
as are changes that could be of interest to many,
that aren't serious enough to be posted to
Articles in this newsgroup are kept "forever"
(typically by using the news archive mechanism).
for discussion among CSCF staff about computing support.
This hasn't been used for quite a while,
and can likely be considered obsolete.
See Also
- read_system_news(1) - simple display of recent system news.
- trn(1) - reads/posts any newsgroup.
- Pnews(1) - posts (submits) a news article.
- MFCF Newsgroups