Backlinks to SettingUpADGradPCs in all Webs (Search CF Web only)
Authenticating an Ubuntu machine using the CS Active Directory (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) Note that when setting up LDAP access for a host which happens to be running...
CSCF Active Directory Overview ADForestLayout Structure of the CSCF Active Directory Forest. ADDnsConfiguration Special DNS Configuration for CSCF Active...
Linux Active Directory (obsolete) Here we will document how to setup a Linux machine to authenticate against an Active Directory and then how to solve various problems...
Programming Languages Group Web site Email Group email: plgroup@plg2 Procedures PlgLdap notes on adding users and using PLGs...
Ubuntu Image Creation (THIS PAGE NEEDS UPDATING) This TWIKI is current the standard for Research and GradPC images Note: The following two alternate documents are...
MikeGore 20 Mar 2012 ubuntu scripts Location \\ASIMOV\images\ubuntu scripts asimov:/coregroup1/images/ubuntu scripts FILES in this TWIKI are...
Number of topics: 6