Chronology - 1980s: A Decade of Expansion


The Computer Systems Group developed a Kanji character version of JANET for IBM Japan. At this point in time there were 400 JANET networks installed all over the globe.
(Ponzo: Appendix C).

In 1989, Phase Two of the Oxford English Dictionary Project was to begin and the data electronically stored so that editing and publication of derivative dictionaries could be accomplished more easily.

Late in 1989, publication of the New Oxford English Dictionary was to take place, along with the debut of an integrated supplement in machine-readable form (Ponzo 72).

In this year, Open Text was a spin off company of the University of Waterloo. The company was developed to commercialize the software developed in the computerization of the Oxford English Dictionary, specifically the search engine.

Paul Larson became the Chairman of CSD (Ponzo 64).

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