Resources and Information for CS 116 ISAs

This twiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional Support Group -> Course Admin & Duties for ISAs.

Key Links


  • Assignment Procedure - An overview of posting, collecting, and marking assignments, with links to more detailed pages where appropriate.
  • Automated Autotest Creation and Execution - Descriptions of the two scripts used to make the directories required for autotests, as well as execution instructions.
  • Python-Specific Information for BitterSuite - Detailed information on writing python autotests, including how to handle file/keyboard/screen I/O.
  • CheckTestcases - Automated checking of student test cases for Racket code. The script provided on this page only handles one student at a time; to run it on all students, use the script /u/cs116/bin/ (the -v option is usually worth using).
  • TestTests - Automated checking of student test cases for Python code
  • MossScripts - Instructions for running moss - NEEDS UPDATES
  • AutoAssignCorrectness - Instruction on how to automate the assigning of correctness marks in MarkUs (has not been used so far in CS 116)

Course Webpage and Piazza



Non-Technical (To be moved to D2L)

No Longer Relevant

This topic: ISG > WebHome > CompSci116
Topic revision: r23 - 2021-05-03 - KarenAnderson
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