Template for CS 115, 116, 136 Webpages

In the interest of consistency through some of the introductory CS courses, a template has been created that should be, where possible, adhered to. There are further details for the CS135 webpage here: https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/twiki/view/ISG/CompSci135TutorDuties.

Files that should be included (available at the bottom of this page).

  • standard-style.shtml (a server-side-include that sets the style of the webpage)
    • style.css (a generic style sheet that is followed in all of the course websites)
    • unique.css (a smaller style sheet that specifies variables (like colours) to differentiate the websites
      • See the example of what was done for the CS 115 Webpage (Aug 2009)
  • standard-init.shtml creates the beginning of the form of the webpage, and includes the left-hand list of links
    • toc.shtml (the table of contents list, to be embedded in standard-init.shtml)
  • standard-fini.shtml (the footer of the page, closes off the format in insets the validation certification pages)
    • lastModifiedFooter.shtml (a line that updates the time the page was last updated)
Every page that is part of the course webpage should have standard-style.shtml, standard-init.shtml and standard-fini.shtml included (see template.shtml below.

The only files that should be edited to suit the course are unique.css and toc.shtml, and the header in standard-init.shtml, to account for the title of the course.

Do not try to open the server-side-include files in a browser, because they are not meant to be complete stand-alone .html webpages.

In addition, the index page should have a server-side-include of the announcements. (See CourseWebpage for more details on the announce command)

The file template.shtml is a template for what the basic page should look like.

Post the Specifications

In terms of maintaining the website as a whole, there will be some areas that tutors are responsible for updating (such as the tutorials page and the Tutor Office Hours page). (outdated: Generally the instructors take care of posting the specifications but) make sure you verify what the instructors are going to manage.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
HTMLshtml announce.shtml r1 manage 0.1 K 2009-08-19 - 12:24 JonathanTemplin  
HTMLshtml lastModifiedFooter.shtml r1 manage 0.1 K 2009-08-19 - 12:23 JonathanTemplin  
HTMLshtml standard_fini.shtml r2 r1 manage 0.9 K 2009-08-19 - 16:00 JonathanTemplin  
HTMLshtml standard_init.shtml r1 manage 0.2 K 2009-08-19 - 12:22 JonathanTemplin  
HTMLshtml standard_style.shtml r2 r1 manage 0.6 K 2009-08-19 - 14:17 JonathanTemplin  
Cascading Style Sheet filecss style.css r1 manage 5.1 K 2009-08-19 - 12:20 JonathanTemplin  
HTMLshtml template.shtml r3 r2 r1 manage 0.5 K 2009-08-19 - 15:05 JonathanTemplin  
HTMLshtml toc.shtml r1 manage 0.8 K 2009-08-19 - 12:22 JonathanTemplin  
Cascading Style Sheet filecss unique.css r2 r1 manage 0.3 K 2009-08-19 - 15:18 JonathanTemplin  
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Topic revision: r5 - 2021-05-18 - ByronWeberBecker
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