Managing Course Accounts

The course accounts have a number of uses; as a central point of contact for e-mail from students, as a host for the course website, and as the account that stores and tests student submissions for a number of courses.

For courses that make use of submit/Odyssey and RST, see SubmitCourseInformation; particularly, PreparingSubmitAssignments.

For courses that make use of Marmoset, see MarmosetCourseConfiguration.

Account quota

Every account has a limited amount of usable disk space. This can present difficulties on course accounts, particularly near assignment deadlines; a sudden spike in submissions can make the account hit its quota limit, preventing any further submissions and keeping tests from being run.

The ISG runs a script nightly that will check the quota of select accounts and e-mail any that are over 89% of the maximum. You can also check the account's quota yourself with the diskquota command.

If you need to delete files but aren't sure where the space is being used, try issuing the command du -s * | sort -nr.

Modifiable home directory

Add the following alias to your personal .cshrc file on the course account; then issue the h command if you want to change your HOME directory between /u/csXXX/ and /u/csXXX/u/userid/. This enables more convenient navigation; ie, cd ~/marking.

alias h 'if ($HOME == `absolute /u/$USER`) then \\

            setenv HOME `absolute /u/$USER/u/$REMOTEUSER` \\

         else \\

            setenv HOME `absolute /u/$USER` \\

         endif \\

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Microsoft Word filedoc HOWTOGUIDE.doc r1 manage 75.9 K 2011-04-28 - 13:00 SalinaHajeeyani How To Guide (Course Account, Tutor tasks)
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