Sometimes it will be necessary to edit student submissions or accept student submissions by email. There are detailed instructions describing how to do this here. However, I thought it would be nice to have a compact form here for future ISAs. The following steps assume that you have navigated to a student's handin folder.
Typing the command svn status will print something like:
The 'M' indicates that a00q1.rkt has been modified and the '?' indicates that GRADED_ASSIGNMENT.SS is a completely new file that has not previously been comitted to MarkUs.
In the above example, imagine that we have edited a00q1.rkt and we want to now upload the new version to MarkUs. Running the command svn commit [filename] -m "committing" will result in this message:
Sending a00q3.rkt Transmitting file data . Committed revision 7.
This means that a new revision has been created. To mark this new file, go into the submissions page, find the student whose files you submitted, and click their group number (ie, 'group_001'). Then select 'collect and grade this revision.
Adding a new file is almost the same process as modifying an existing one. The difference is that you first have to run svn add [filename] and then follow the same steps as before.
-- GradonNicholls - 2013-12-20